Tag: revetment
  • USACE Memphis christens replacement, $25.5M bank grading unit "Grader 1"

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Memphis District officially launched its new, $25.5 million Bank Grading Unit (BGU), “Grader 1”, with a christening ceremony held on the afternoon of May 2 at a boat ramp located in downtown Memphis, Tennessee. Event attendees included Mississippi Valley Division Commander Maj. Gen. Diana Holland, Memphis District Commander Col. Brian Sawser, Grader 1's project delivery team and project partners, and several members from the Memphis District Employee and Retiree Communities. Vessel christenings are widely considered an important part of nautical culture with many associated customs practiced for centuries now. While variations do exist, the overall purpose is to request protection for the vessel and crew while navigating the waterways of the world.
  • Memphis District revetment units breaks record, longest season in 20 years

    Another record-breaking season is in the books after the Memphis District’s Revetment Units returned home mid-March of 2023, making it one of the longest seasons had in 20 years.
  • Memphis District retires a legacy, replaces with faster, better, brighter model

    The Memphis District officially welcomed a new, $25.5 million Bank Grading Unit (BGU), April 11, 2023, when it docked at its new home port at Ensley Engineer Yard in Memphis, Tennessee. Constructed in three years, the new BGU is replacing the district’s legacy bank grader, and with nearly 75 years of operations in the books, it’s safe to say the 1949 barge-mounted Bucyrus-Erie dragline model is ready for retirement.
  • USACE Vicksburg District’s Mat Sinking Unit concludes 2022 revetment season

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Vicksburg District’s Mat Sinking Unit (MSU) concluded the 2022 revetment season and returned to Vicksburg Harbor yesterday.
  • $5.3M BIL-funded revetment project complete ahead of schedule

    A Memphis District Project Delivery Team recently completed a $5.3M Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)-funded revetment project in Bauxippi-Wyanoke, Arkansas. Work began in November last year when historic low water conditions and tow restrictions delayed much of the river industry’s transportation of goods. Despite these less-than-stellar conditions, the team completed construction ahead of schedule, finishing all work on Dec. 16, 2022.
  • A day with the Memphis District Revetment team

    On Dec. 7, 2022, Memphis District Commander Col. Brian Sawser made the trip down to St. Francisville, Louisiana, to visit the Memphis District Revetment Team at their current project site. The commander spent the day getting a firsthand look at what this talented crew does on a daily basis, getting a better understanding of exactly just how important this team is to executing the Memphis District mission.
  • Contract awarded, $6 million IIJA funds towards addt'l Miss River revetment repairs

    The Memphis District recently awarded a contract, Aug. 10,  to perform revetment stone repairs at Below Knowlton, near Crumrod, Arkansas, (River Mile 619).  Through this contract, the Corps will partner with Commercial Towing Interests, represented by the Lower Mississippi River Committee (LOMRC), to complete a $6,084,400 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)-funded project.
  • Memphis District’s first IIJA-funded project complete

    The Memphis District recently finished the first Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) funded construction project on the Mississippi River near Caruthersville, Missouri. The Corps partnered with the Lower Mississippi River Committee (LOMRC) and commercial towing industry to complete the $1.15 million revetment maintenance project at Little Cypress near Mississippi River Mile 863. “Work consisted of placing approximately 43 thousand tons of “Graded Stone C (400 pound maximum stone size)” to repair seven riverbank failures along an approximate 4-mile reach of the existing revetted riverbank,” Project Manager Zach Cook added. “Work started on August 13 and was completed in two weeks."
  • Teamwork protects land, “helps ensure Mississippi River does not try to change course”

    The Memphis District's Revetment Branch and Metals Units recently finalized a flapgate repair on what’s called the “Fritz Landing Culvert” in Lake County, Tennessee, in August 2022. Their hard work and collaboration will undoubtedly result in the extended protection of almost 7 thousand acres of land. Additionally, this project will contribute to decreasing the Mississippi River’s meandering ways, and thus safeguard many surrounding localities for many, many years to come.
  • USACE Vicksburg District announces new Mat Sinking Unit Chief

    VICKSBURG, Miss. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Vicksburg District announces the selection of Maurice Gilmore as the new chief of the Mat Sinking Unit (MSU).