Tag: Columbia
  • Agencies extend Columbia River environmental review, delay public meetings

    Two federal agencies are extending the public scoping period for the Columbia River System Operations Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS.) The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), or co-lead agencies, are also adjusting the timing of the public meetings to the week of April 7, 2025.
  • Ranger Turned Regulator Blazes New Trail In Columbia

    Ranger turned regulator, Rebecca Downey, reflects on her career as she seeks to harmonize nature and development for a sustainable future at the Charleston District's Midlands office in Columbia, South Carolina.
  • Federal water managers announce public information sessions about post-September 2024 Columbia River Treaty operations

    How the United States uses reservoir space in Canada changes on September 16, 2024, from the high degree of structure and control of flows coming across the border from Canada experienced over the last 60 years under the Columbia River Treaty, to an operation that increases the uncertainty of those flows. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) will hold four virtual public information sessions in September and October to begin informing the public about the potential changes.
  • Port managers, Army engineers agree to $2.1 million study

    Leadership from the Ports of Longview and Kalama, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have agreed to fund an estimated $2.1 million study. The study will investigate what changes or improvements engineers can make to turning basins in the Columbia River to help larger, deeper-drafting vessels, safely navigate when turning.
  • Commerce flows normally after Army engineers repair John Day Lock

    Commerce is now moving normally along the Columbia River and through John Day Lock after Army engineers completed repairs to damaged guide wheels by 12:30 p.m., August 5. Technicians originally discovered damage to a lower guide wheel on July 25, which initially closed the lock, and then slowed traffic at that point in the river.
  • Columbia River commerce halts for extended period for annual outage

    Commerce moving up and down the Columbia River, which is a $23 billion industry, will be at a stand-still for up to five weeks beginning Feb. 13. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) closes its navigation locks on the Columbia and Snake river dams on an annual basis for maintenance and repairs; however, this year the Corps is extending the closure an extra three weeks – in part – to repair the downstream miter gate at The Dalles.
  • That sounds fishy: demonized trash fish finally gets some respect

    Leaves are changing, the weather is cooling and getting wetter, and Fred Meyer is stocking its shelves with Christmas decorations, which means it’s October. Instead of skipping ahead to winter holidays, let’s fall back and celebrate autumn and Halloween by highlighting a fish that has been demonized in the past, partly for its looks, and partly for our past perceptions of it as a blood-sucking, bottom-feeding trash fish*: the Pacific lamprey.
  • Out-of-season outage closes The Dalles Dam navigation lock

    An out-of-season outage will close The Dalles Dam’s navigation lock, Sept. 14-15, 2021. A specialized U.S. Army Corps of Engineers rope-access (climbing) inspection team will be performing an assessment, which is part of a required five-year cycle.
  • The Dalles Dam Visitor Center reopens for summer after extended closure

    The Dalles Dam Visitor Center reopened to the public, June 4th, 2021 with capacity limits, face covering requirements, physical distancing, and extra cleaning. Visitor Center operating hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday through Sunday through the end of August.
  • Transmission line work to close part of Giles French Park

    Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) will replace transmission lines (area outlined in yellow in attached image) from John Day Lock and Dam to the substation located on top of the hill south of Interstate 84, which will close a portion of Giles French Park beginning Jun. 8th.