  • ERDC researcher excels as emergency responder software inventor

    As an intern and later a full-time research engineer at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center’s (ERDC) Geospatial Research Laboratory (GRL), Dr. Michelle Hamilton invented a system for Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, which was patented in September 2020 for emergency responders’ use in prioritizing key geolocations for support allocations and mitigation efforts.
  • Corps of Engineers Little Rock District’s Payne graduates from the Engineer Research and Development Center University

    Vicksburg, Miss. – During her recent graduation from the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center’s University program, Little Rock District’s executive assistant, Kathleen Payne, shared her motivation in applying for the six-month program where she would be paired with mentors in her areas of interest.
  • Walla Walla District Biologist Walter chosen for ERDC University

    VICKSBURG, Miss. --Traveling 2,243 miles from his district centered in Walla Walla, Washington, Wildlife Biologist Damian Walter arrived at the U. S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center headquarters for his orientation to the outreach program, ERDC University.
  • Corps Little Rock District’s Payne selected for ERDC University

    The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center’s outreach program, ERDC University, welcomed fiscal year 2019 participants during kickoff week in March, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Little Rock District’s former Natural Resources Specialist and current Executive Assistant Kathleen Payne repeated a visit to ERDC as one of six selectees.