The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Memphis District recently met a tasker milestone known as “Ready to Advertise” for the Eight Mile Creek Levee Culvert Replacement Project in Greene County, Arkansas, Feb. 5, 2021.
The package has been sent to the contracting team for award this fiscal year.
In partnership with the Eight Mile Drainage District of Greene County, Arkansas, the project objective includes replacing a damaged culvert (36-inch corrugated metal pipe without a flap gate) within the Eight Mile Creek Levee Segment.
“The new culvert will be an offset 36-inch, double barrel, reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) with a flap gate,” Project Manager Amber Jarnagin said. “The existing Eight Mile Creek levee culvert was damaged during previous flood events. However, during the 2019 flood event, the erosion limits increased to within five feet of the levee crown, threatening the levee’s integrity. Maintaining the levee’s ability to provide protection, especially at such drainage pipe locations, is crucial to ensuring the entire system works and helps prevent flooding of the area behind the levee.”
Project Delivery Team Members include Project Manager Amber Jarnagin, Technical Lead/Geotech John Hudson, Contract Specialist Sequoria Wilson, Construction -- Samantha Harper, Design -- Chase Kesner, Hydraulics & Hydrology - Ashley Evans, Structural -- Phillip Pinkston, Mechanical -- Marsalis Roddy, Real Estate -- Brian Johnson, Cost Engineering --Kevin Keller, Environmental -- Joshua Koontz, Survey -- Chris Billingsley, Regulatory -- Danny Keating, and Storm water -- Conrad Stacks.