Success: Two Projects: Trotters, Rena Lara seepage remediation

Published Feb. 8, 2021
IN THE PHOTOS, Memphis District Commander Col. Zachary Miller, the district partner, and other district team members are briefed on the details of the project. Afterward, the group held a ribbon-cutting ceremony, symbolizing the victory and celebration of completing yet another significant project. (USACE photos by Jessica Haas)

IN THE PHOTOS, Memphis District Commander Col. Zachary Miller, the district partner, and other district team members are briefed on the details of the project. Afterward, the group held a ribbon-cutting ceremony, symbolizing the victory and celebration of completing yet another significant project. (USACE photos by Jessica Haas)

IN THE PHOTO, Memphis District Commander Col. Zachary Miller, the district partner, and other district team members are briefed on the details of the project. Afterward, the group held a ribbon-cutting ceremony, symbolizing the victory and celebration of completing yet another significant project. (USACE photos by Vance Harris)

IN THE PHOTO, Memphis District Commander Col. Zachary Miller, the district partner, and other district team members are briefed on the details of the project. Afterward, the group held a ribbon-cutting ceremony, symbolizing the victory and celebration of completing yet another significant project. (USACE photos by Vance Harris)

IN THE PHOTOS, Memphis District Commander Col. Zachary Miller, the district partner, and other district team members are briefed on the details of the project. Afterward, the group held a ribbon-cutting ceremony, symbolizing the victory and celebration of completing yet another significant project. (USACE photos by Jessica Haas)

IN THE PHOTOS, Memphis District Commander Col. Zachary Miller, the district partner, and other district team members are briefed on the details of the project. Afterward, the group held a ribbon-cutting ceremony, symbolizing the victory and celebration of completing yet another significant project. (USACE photos by Jessica Haas)

IN THE PHOTOS, Memphis District Commander Col. Zachary Miller, the district partner, and other district team members are briefed on the details of the project. Afterward, the group held a ribbon-cutting ceremony, symbolizing the victory and celebration of completing yet another significant project. (USACE photos by Jessica Haas)

IN THE PHOTOS, Memphis District Commander Col. Zachary Miller, the district partner, and other district team members are briefed on the details of the project. Afterward, the group held a ribbon-cutting ceremony, symbolizing the victory and celebration of completing yet another significant project. (USACE photos by Jessica Haas)

The fifth and final ribbon-cutting ceremony, held on Jan. 20, celebrated two construction projects completed in Tunica County, Trotters, Mississippi, and Coahoma County, Rena Lara, Mississippi.

Trotters, Mississippi, the first project, consisted of seepage remediation of a 1,300-foot-long by a 1,150-foot-wide earthen berm, as well as the construction of six new relief wells.

“Under seepage problems (extensive sand boils) were observed during high water events at this location along the Mississippi River Levee,” Project Manager Brian Schneider said. “Sand boils are the result of erosion and piping through the levee foundation which can progress to a levee breach. Landside berms and/or relief wells are two effective methods utilized to significantly reduce the risk of levee failure from under seepage.”

Many thanks to our partner, the Yazoo Mississippi Levee District, and the Project Delivery Team members for their outstanding efforts in ensuring this project was exceptionally executed.

Members of the team were Project Manager Ken Bright, Program Analysis – Tamara Richard, Technical Lead Chip Newman, Civil Design – Daniel Bowling, Construction – Del Warfield, Cost & Relocations – Kevin Keller, Environmental – Josh Koontz, Technical Lead/Geotechnical – John Hudson, Hydraulics & Hydrology – Ashley Evans, Real Estate Specialist Josh Neisen, Stormwater – Conrad Stacks, Survey – Steve Suber, Value Engineer Neal Newman, Contracting Officer Steven Austin,  Small Business Program Manager Thomas Mercer, Quality Assurance – Tayne Tubberville, and Administrative Contracting Officer Loy Hamilton.

The second project consisted of four relief wells, ditch improvements, a culvert replacement, a drop structure, and a 2,100-foot gravel access road.

Our District Partner responsible for ensuring this project was a success is the Yazoo Mississippi Levee District. During the ribbon-cutting ceremony, our partner was presented with an award for Outstanding Maintenance for the 62nd consecutive year.

“The levee board does an outstanding job maintaining the 94 miles of mainline levee in the Memphis District,” Memphis District Commander Col. Zachary Miller said. “ The Yazoo Levee Board has always been active in addressing deficiencies noted during inspections and have continued to make improvements to the levee. In addition to the outstanding maintenance, the levee board has been a great partner in executing the seepage remediation projects throughout the segment.”

Members of the Project Delivery Team are Project Manager Ken Bright, Program Analysis – Tamara Richard, Technical Lead Chip Newman, Civil Design – Daniel Bowling, Construction – Del Warfield, Cost & Relocations – Kevin Keller, Environmental – Josh Koontz, Technical Lead/Geotechnical – Ben Vogel, Hydraulics & Hydrology --  Ashley Evans, Real Estate – Josh Neisen, Stormwater – Conrad Stacks, Survey – Steve Suber, Value Engineering – Neal Newman, Contracting Officer Steven Austin,  Small Business Program Officer Thomas Mercer, Quality Assurance – Drew Wagoner and Matthew Widmer, and Administrative Contracting Officer Loy Hamilton.

Congratulations to everyone involved for making both these projects a success!