ROGERS, Ark. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announces that it is beginning a study to assess the potential impacts of frequent flooding along the public-private shared boundary on Beaver Lake.
When land was originally acquired for Beaver Lake in the 1950s, the plan was to purchase property around the inundation area up to elevation 1128 mean sea level. However, funding and resource issues limited the government’s ability to do so. This limitation has resulted in private property being flooded during periods of high water as Beaver Lake fulfills its authorized mission as a flood-control reservoir. To address this long-standing issue, USACE has received funding to study the problem, formulate alternatives, and if acquisition is approved, begin acquiring some of these low-lying areas.
In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act, USACE will begin a public comment period around this study from May 11 to June 10, 2021. This public comment period provides an opportunity for landowners and the public to discuss possible options, including potential land acquisition, or to suggest alternatives to address the flooding of private lands. During this time, comments, concerns, and questions can be emailed to the following address:
A website that will include a map of all private lands currently or potentially impacted by flooding, an online comment form, and a narrated presentation that provides an overview of the project and answers many of the frequently asked questions can be found starting May 11, 2021 at the following link: .
Comments may also be sent by mail to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District, Real Estate Division, ATTN Chief, Real Estate, P.O. Box 867, Little Rock, AR 72203.
Questions about this study on Beaver Lake can be directed to the to the Beaver Lake Project Office at 501-340-1230 or 501-340-1702.