Corps to begin dredging project at Port of Hueneme

Los Angeles District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Published Jan. 5, 2021

LOS ANGELES – The Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District plans to dredge the Port of Hueneme main channel starting Jan. 5 with a projected completion date of March 27.

Curtin Maritime Corp., the Corps’ contractor for the project, will be deepening the port’s federal navigation channels by dredging 385,000 total cubic yards of material. Deepening the harbor will accommodate Panama-sized vessels, which are currently unable to load to their maximum capacity.

Cost of the project is $10.4 million.

About 360,000 cubic yards of dredged material will be used to replenish the beach to mitigate beach erosion, which is the most sand placed on and near the beach since 2009. Another 18,000 cubic yards of unsuitable material will be placed in an existing confined aquatic disposal site in the harbor.

Kristin Decas, chief executive officer and port director, thanked the Corps and Congresswoman Julia Brownley with California’s 26th Congressional District, for prioritizing the dredging project.

“(The project) will complement the recently completed berth deepening to enable more efficient cargo operations,” Decas said, “and the clean sand will be used for on- and near-shore beach nourishment for the local Port Hueneme Beach – a true win-win for the port and the community."

Stephen Baack

Release no. 21-001