Corps opens public comment for C-111 South Dade Project

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District
Published Jan. 28, 2020
C-111 South Dade Project Draft GRR and EA

C-111 South Dade Project Draft GRR and EA

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, will accept public comment on the Canal 111 South Dade (C-111 SD) Project, Replacement of Interim Pump Stations S-332B and S-332C, Draft Integrated General Re-Evaluation Report, Environmental Assessment and Proposed Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). The report describes the recommended plan, identified as Alternative 3 in the document. Comments are due February 27.

The project will see two pump stations built to address an environmental concern replaced with more permanent pump stations. The original pump stations, S-332B and S-332C, were constructed quickly in response to a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Reasonable and Prudent Alternative with a 1999 Jeopardy Biological Opinion about the potential project impacts on the endangered Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow.

The existing stations have been in use for nearly two decades, but have required extensive repairs during that time and are at risk of sustaining catastrophic damage in severe weather. The plan calls for replacement stations constructed with hardened outer structures, providing additional protection during hurricanes. The new stations will have the same design capacity to move 575 cubic feet of water per second.

Because the current pump stations are still required under the Biological Opinion, they will continue to operate while the new pump stations are constructed.

Please submit public comments to by February 27, 2020, or mail them to:
Bradley Foster
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Jacksonville District
701 San Marco Boulevard
Jacksonville, Florida 32207-8915

The C-111 SD Project is located west of the C-111 Canal in southern Miami-Dade County in southeastern Florida and is an integral part of the overall Central and Southern Florida (C&SF) Project.

You can find additional information about the project, including the new documents available for review, on the Jacksonville District website at

Erica Skolte
561-801-5734 (cell)

Release no. 20-005