  • Huntsville Center spotlights engineering during National Engineers Week

    The annual observance is a time to celebrate how engineers make a difference in the world, increase public dialogue about the need for engineers, bring engineering to life for students, and ensure a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce.
  • Huntsville Center provides security expertise for new U.S. Army Museum

    When the National Museum of the United States Army opened its doors for the first time, visitors and museum personnel could rest assured that the priceless artifacts and displays would be safe and secure thanks to the security-systems expertise of employees at the U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville.
  • Registration opens for Small Business Forum 2018

    HUNTSVILLE, Alabama--The Small Business Forum 2018 features a general overview of doing business with the Huntsville Center and covers major regulatory changes and upcoming acquisitions, followed by an opportunity for attendees to interact directly with program managers and contracting officials for the Center’s more than 40 programs.
  • Contracts awarded for facilities reduction work

    The U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville, awarded contracts to 12 businesses Feb. 6 as part of a multiple award task order contract (MATOC) that will be used to demolish excess facilities on military installations. The overall value of the MATOC is $48 million for a base year and four option years estimated at $9.6 million each.
  • Contracts awarded for medical facility maintenance

    Huntsville Center awarded contracts to 10 companies to provide operations and maintenance (O&M) services at government medical and related non-medical facilities. The $990 million medical facilities O&M multiple award task order contract (MATOC) will allow the Operations and Maintenance Engineering Enhancement (OMEE) Program at Huntsville Center to continue to support Department of Defense medical facilities throughout the Military Health System with their highly specialized O&M requirements.
  • Army awards third technology, wind, under $7 billion renewable energy MATOC

    This MATOC will be used to procure reliable, locally generated, renewable and alternative energy for DoD installations through power purchase agreements.
  • Chemical warfare design center sets up hot line

    The Huntsville Center Chemical Warfare Materiel (CWM) Design Center established a new hot line for
  • Meter Data Management System makes progress on installations, facilities

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Meter Data Management System is helping Energy Managers keep tabs
  • Annual munitions workshop now online, monthly

    Military munitions experts, regulators, government contractors and various stakeholders are meeting