Tag: November
  • Corps to Temporarily Close Damsite Parking Area at Woodcock Creek Lake

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District announced today that it will temporarily close the damsite parking area at Woodcock Creek Lake for necessary maintenance work, beginning Monday, Nov. 7.
  • Webster named Nashville District Employee of the Month for November 2021

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Jan. 28, 2022) – A park ranger is being lauded for coordinating an important project to publicize and feature Center Hill Dam in a National Inventory of Dams video titled “Exploring Our Nation’s Dams.”
  • Corps to host virtual public scoping meeting on Mosquito Creek Lake Master Plan

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District is hosting a virtual public meeting to kick-off the Mosquito Creek Lake Master Plan revision. The corps is seeking public input about environmental and recreational topics to consider during the master plan revision process.
  • Hydrologic Impacts on Human Health: El Niño Southern Oscillation and Cholera

    Abstract: A non-stationary climate imposes considerable challenges regarding potential public health concerns. The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle, which occurs every 2 to 7 years, correlates positively with occurrences of the waterborne disease cholera. The warm sea surface temperatures and extreme weather associated with ENSO create optimal conditions for breeding the Vibrio cholerae pathogen and for human exposure to the pathogenic waters. This work explored the impacts of ENSO on cholera occurrence rates over the past 50 years by examining annual rates of suspected cholera cases per country in relation to ENSO Index values. This study provides a relationship indicating when hydrologic conditions are optimal for cholera growth, and presents a statistical approach to answer three questions: Are cholera outbreaks more likely to occur in an El Niño year? What other factors impact cholera outbreaks? How will the future climate impact cholera incidence rates as it relates to conditions found in ENSO? Cholera outbreaks from the 1960s to the present are examined focusing on regions of Central and South America, and southern Asia. By examining the predictive relationship between climate variability and cholera, we can draw conclusions about future vulnerability to cholera and other waterborne pathogenic diseases.
  • Cleary named Nashville District Employee of the Month for November 2020

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Jan. 8, 2021) – Ryan Cleary, project engineer at the Chickamauga Lock Replacement Project Resident Engineer Office, is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District Employee of the Month for November 2020.
  • Army Corps of Engineers waives day use fees at recreation areas in observance of Veterans Day

    KANSAS CITY, Mo. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced it will waive day use fees at its more than 2,800 USACE-operated recreation areas nationwide in observance of Veterans Day, Nov. 11 and 12. The waiver covers fees for boat launch ramps and swimming beaches. The waiver does not apply to camping and camping-related services, or fees for specialized facilities (group picnic shelters) and events. Other agencies that manage recreation areas on USACE lands are encouraged, but not required, to offer the waiver in the areas that they manage.
  • Ponds named Nashville District Employee of the Month for November 2017

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Jan. 24, 2017) – Dewayne Ponds, project geologist at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District’s Chickamauga Lock Replacement Project in Chattanooga, Tenn., is the employee of the month for November 2017.
  • Marcum named Nashville District Employee of the Month for September 2017

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Nov. 21, 2017) – Joshua Marcum, Power Plant Mechanic at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District’s Cheatham Power Plant in Ashland City, Tenn., is the employee of the month for September 2017.
  • Earnest named Nashville District Employee of the Month for March 2017

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (May 7, 2017) – William Earnest, maintenance worker at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District’s Lake Cumberland in Somerset, Ky., is the employee of the month for March 2017.
  • Bernard named Nashville District Employee of the Month for November 2016

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Jan. 5, 2017) – Tony Bernard, maintenance mechanic at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District’s Lake Cumberland in Somerset, Ky., is the employee of the month for November 2016.