Tag: Maintenance Activities
  • USACE announces upcoming maintenance activities at Nolin River Lake

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District will be conducting maintenance activities this summer at Nolin River Lake in Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, which could impact traffic patterns and public access to the tailwater area. Visitors may see construction crews on site performing this work during the summer months as these activities are scheduled to begin in May and last through fall 2024.
  • USACE announces upcoming maintenance activities at Brookville Lake

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be conducting maintenance activities at Brookville Lake in
  • USACE Vicksburg District begins drawdown of Thatcher Lock and Dam

    VICKSBURG, Miss. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Vicksburg District will begin pool draw down at Thatcher Lock and Dam on Nov. 19, 2021, to make repairs to the seal of the hinge crest gate. The pool at Thatcher Lock and Dam is expected to fall as much as six inches per day, from 77 to 72 feet. The USACE Vicksburg District is working with City of Camden personnel to create a slower draw down from 73 to 72 feet to closely monitor the city’s water supply intake pipes. It is possible that the draw down might have to continue to 71 feet if the inspection cannot be completed at 72 feet.
  • Maintenance, construction scheduled at Salt Creek Dams near Lincoln

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District will be performing maintenance and construction activities Aug. 23 to Nov. 20, at the downstream conduit outlet plunge pools at the following Salt Creek Dam sites: 8 (Wagon Train), 9 (Stagecoach), 10 (Yankee Hill), 12 (Conestoga) and 13 (Twin Lakes); additionally, some downstream maintenance will occur at site 4 (Blue Stem).
  • USACE Vicksburg District announces closure to Arkabutla Intake Gates

    VICKSBURG, Miss. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Vicksburg District announces that they will close the intake gates at Arkabutla Dam for a brief time beginning July 23rd. This closure will take place so that routinely scheduled inspections can be completed inside the outlet tunnel and during that time no water will be flowing through the outlet channel. The closure is expected to last less than one week and will have a minimal impact to recreation in the area. One small parking lot adjacent to the outlet channel will be closed during the event.
  • USACE to conduct maintenance testing on hydropower units at Bull Shoals Dam

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Little Rock District will conduct maintenance testing on the hydropower units at Bulls Shoals Dam, March 15-19.
  • Critical drainage channels to be maintained

    Throughout its history, the Lower Mississippi River Flood Plain has been besieged by floodwaters; that’s why flood risk management is one of the Memphis District's major mission areas. We serve as the first line of defense for the entire lower Valley. Working to execute this mission and serving as that first line of defense, a Memphis District Project Delivery Team awarded three major contracts to perform maintenance on drainage channels 1 and 251, which are located in the Little River Drainage District in Southeast Missouri. The contracts are for lower Ditch 251, upper Ditch 251, and upper Ditch 1 and authorize contractors to go in and return a total of 89 miles worth of drainage channels to their authorized level of flood protection.
  • Kanopolis Lake to conduct dive work and additional water releases in March

    Due to construction work at Kanopolis Lake, the lake will be drawn down an additional foot to elevation 1461.0 feet. Dive work associated with the construction work requires releases to be shut off for safety purposes.
  • 19-001 Maintenance work Jan. 7- 13 will require temporary closure of bridge crossing at Little Goose Dam

    STARBUCK, Wash. – Vehicle crossings at little Goose Lock and Dam, located at Snake River Mile 70.3 near Starbuck, Washington, will temporarily close Jan.7-13 to accommodate maintenance work on the upstream bascule bridge crossing the navigation lock, according to operations officials with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Walla Walla District.
  • 18-025 Ice Harbor, Lower Monumental navigation locks to reopen March 25

    SNAKE RIVER, Wash. – Locks at Ice Harbor and Lower Monumental dams, currently closed for annual maintenance, adjusted their return-to-service dates to March 25 to accommodate needed repairs.