SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District identifies Little Lake Harbor, located near Newberry, Michigan, as a critical need for dredging due to significant shoaling and shoreline flooding.
“Little Lake Harbor is a shallow draft harbor that serves as an important Harbor of Refuge and supports Tribal fishing,” LeighAnn Ryckeghem, Sault Sainte Marie Project Office, Operations Manager said. “Due to severe shoaling, the harbor has not been functional in some time. The Corps of Engineers issued a Notice to Navigation Interests in August of 2021 to use extreme caution when attempting use.”
The harbor conditions are surveyed annually and the harbor requires annual maintenance dredging. The harbor was last dredged in 2018 with approximately 53,000 cubic yards of material removed. The Detroit District has identified the funding need for both maintenance dredging and structure maintenance at Little Lake Harbor since 2020. However, needs for maintenance of navigation projects throughout the country outpace available funds.