Abstract: Management of hydraulic infrastructure for flood control, hydropower, navigation, and water supply is a critical component of the Army Dams and Transportation Infrastructure Program (ADTIP). This project provides a tool to locate stream infrastructure using a one-dimensional approach supplemented with geospatial filtering that only needs digital elevation model (DEM) files as primary input. The regions in and around Forts Liberty, Sill, and Cavazos were selected as study areas, and stream networks with corresponding stream elevation profiles were created and searched for elevation changes that met vertical threshold and search window criteria. Recall, Fβ, and a ratio of under to overprediction were used to evaluate performance. The search algorithm generally overpredicts the number of stream infrastructure locations and especially so for large search windows (20 or 25 cells) and small vertical threshold values (5 or 10 m). Overall, it was found that midrange vertical threshold values (2 or 2.5 m with long search windows (20 or 25 cells) with the land cover classification (LCC) check applied yielded results that minimized false negatives and overpredictions. The significance of this tool is that it may reduce costly field investigations, or at least aid in the prioritization of site visits for hydraulic infrastructure managers.