Tag: biologists
  • Annual USACE rescue efforts ensure fish survival through Chittenden Locks

    Visitors to Lake Washington Ship Canal and Hiram M. Chittenden Locks, Seattle, on Oct. 1, saw an unusual sight: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers employees at the bottom of the small lock chamber using nets to catch fish trapped in the chamber while it was drained for urgent maintenance.
  • Nashville District names Aric Payne Employee of the Month for January 2022

    Aric Payne, a biologist in the East Branch of the Regulatory Division, is named U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District Employee of the Month for January 2022. He is recognized primarily for his efforts as the 2021 Tennessee Nationwide Permits (NWP) Supplemental Documents Project Manager.
  • Starting with STEM: ERDC researchers climb from after-school robotics to branch chief

    At Anna Miller Jordan’s very first robotics team practice as a high-school senior in 2005, she was deemed responsible for piloting a robot to shoot balls into a net, once her classmate Alan Katzenmeyer steered the bot down the court toward the goal. Now, 15 years later, Jordan and Katzenmeyer are both still leading teams at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC). But today, instead of high-school peers, those teams are made up of scientists, engineers and researchers working to solve some of the nation’s toughest challenges.
  • US Army Corps of Engineers to host job fair in Jacksonville

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will host a job fair Friday, April 26 at the DoubleTree Hotel located at 2101 Dixie Clipper Road near Jacksonville International Airport.
  • Corps sponsors wetlands tour for Coastal Georgia home-schoolers

    RICHMOND HILL, Ga. – Discovering frontiers outside of the classroom – or the home – can reconcile traditional learning methods and enrich the educational experience for students inundated with an array of new concepts.
  • Counting Fish in a Fluid Environment

    On a hot, sultry, mid-August day, I’m standing thigh-deep in the slow, muddy Rio Grande watching U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Fishery Biologist Dr. Michael “Mick” Porter and Aquatic Ecologist Justin Reale; Eric Gonzalez, Michael Hatch, Matt McMillan, biologists with SWCA Environmental Consultants; and TetraTech biologist Michael Marcus seine for fish.
  • Three Sisters, One Corps of Engineers District

    ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., -- When Albuquerque District Commander Lt. Col. Gant figuratively talks about Corps employees being like a family, Monika Sanchez and Michelle and Melissa Mann take her literally.
  • Going Green: Sustainable coastal North Carolina tidal marsh still thriving after 16 years

    In 1996 Wilmington District biologists and engineers, with help from other North Carolina resource agencies, designed and constructed a former dredged material disposal island to offset impacts from construction of the Army Reserve Center in Morehead City, and turned it into a thriving coastal tidal marsh. Sixteen years later the marsh is a sustainable ecosystem that has exceeded the Corps' goals and expectations.