Tag: Hurley
  • Memphis District's Dredge Hurley returns home ending most productive, longest season on record

    The Memphis District's Dredge Hurley returned to its home port, Ensley Engineer Yard, in Memphis Harbor, on Jan. 13, 2023, after finishing a record-breaking 273-day season, which began Apr. 26, 2022. In eight and a half months, the 36-person crew dredged 14.5 million cubic yards of sediment, which is the most the Dredge Hurley has ever removed in a single season.
  • Memphis District's Dredge Hurley returns home ending most productive, longest season on record

    The Memphis District’s Dredge Hurley returned to its home port, Ensley Engineer Yard in Memphis Harbor on Jan. 13, 2023, after finishing a record-breaking 273-day season, which began Apr. 26, 2022. In those eight and a half months, the 36-person crew dredged 14.5 million cubic yards of material, which is the most the Dredge Hurley has ever removed in a single season.
  • U. S. Army Corps of Engineers to Close Application Period for the Buchanan County Section 202 Flood Risk Reduction Project and to Offer Public Open Houses in Hurley and Grundy, VA

    Eligible landowners of Buchanan County, Virginia who have questions about protecting their structures from flooding and would like to submit an application for the project, are invited to attend public meetings that will provide information about the voluntary Buchanan County Section 202 Flood Risk Reduction project. Two meetings will be offered in June by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington District, in coordination with the Buchanan County Board of Supervisors.
  • Hurley docked after another successful dredging season

    After almost eight months of dredging the Mississippi River, the Dredge Hurley and crew are now home where the Hurley is docked at Ensley Engineer Yard for some much-needed repairs and maintenance.
  • Metal Shop makings...

    Navigation is one of our oldest missions. We’re mandated by Congress to keep the Mississippi River open for commercial navigation by maintaining a 9-foot-deep and 300-foot-wide channel, and we do that by dredging on an annual basis. So, as one might imagine, our dustpan dredge, the Hurley, gets used quite a bit keeping the Mississippi open, so our talented team at Ensley Engineer Yard have their work cut out for them keeping her running year after year. This brings us to the project Machinist Brandon Almeida is working on – it’s something the Dredge Hurley uses called “propeller rope guards.” He’s also making the mount needed to make the rope guards on – talk about complex work.