Tag: Midwest Construction Company
  • $27 million contract awarded to repair Missouri River navigation structures

    Midwest Construction Company, of Nebraska City, Nebraska, was awarded a contract from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to make repairs to river training structures on the Missouri River. The $27 million for the repair work comes from the BIL – Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation – and is expected to be the first of several separate contracts awarded in the next 12 months to support navigation on the Missouri River. Kansas City District contracting officer, Dave Best, signed the task order award on Aug. 11 as Col. Travis Rayfield, commander of the Kansas City District and several others from the project delivery team looked on yesterday.
  • Rescue revetment task order awarded

    The Memphis District recently awarded a task order to restore existing revetment and repair over-steepened banks along the Mississippi River in Coahoma County, Mississippi, and Phillips County, Arkansas. A total of $1,344,000 was awarded on the current River Repairs IDIQ (Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity) Contract to Midwest Construction Company.