Tag: Clearing and Snagging
  • Memphis District revetment units breaks record, longest season in 20 years

    Another record-breaking season is in the books after the Memphis District’s Revetment Units returned home mid-March of 2023, making it one of the longest seasons had in 20 years.
  • A day with the Memphis District Revetment team

    On Dec. 7, 2022, Memphis District Commander Col. Brian Sawser made the trip down to St. Francisville, Louisiana, to visit the Memphis District Revetment Team at their current project site. The commander spent the day getting a firsthand look at what this talented crew does on a daily basis, getting a better understanding of exactly just how important this team is to executing the Memphis District mission.
  • Revetment Team returns after historic season

    The Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Army (Civil Works) Vance Stewart and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Deputy Commanding General for Civil and Emergency Operations Maj. Gen. William (Butch) Graham visited the Memphis District last week. While visiting, they had the opportunity to welcome home and congratulate the Revetment Team after completing one of the district's longest seasons in history.