Tag: United States Army Corps of Engineers--Operations research
  • ERDC researchers developing low-cost, rapid watershed assessment

    Researchers from the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) have partnered with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Vicksburg District to develop and test a low-cost, rapid watershed assessment using remote sensing technology to evaluate problems associated with watershed instability including erosion, sedimentation, flooding and environmental degradation.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Insights: An Update of the USACE Data Strategy Initiative; November 2019 Edition

    Abstract: The Data25 strategy was advanced in FY19 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Chief Information Officer (USACE CIO) by funding pilots to show the power of data analytics on real USACE operations. This report details pilots that were conducted in three of USACEs Business Lines; Dredging, Hydropower, and Military Construction. The purposes for each of these pilots are listed below. 1. Enterprise value: Demonstrates the power of data analytics and its ability to generate business value by improving decision-making across the organization. 2. Technology value: Helps the CIO understand how cloud technology could support the overall data strategy. 3. Business value: Provides examples of data analytics in action. This view helps the Business Lines, Divisions, and Districts understand what it takes to supplement decision-making with insights generated from data. The main purpose of the pilots was to provide a glimpse of what could be gained from data analytics. From the initial business questions, the pilot Business Lines are seeking to use data to improve decisions through the automation of business processes, more rapid decision cycles, and the layering of previously siloed data on their own to reveal new insights.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Insights: An Update on the USACE Data Strategy Initiative; April 2019 Edition

    Abstract: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineering (USACE) Commanding General, LTG Todd T. Semonite, announced 10 initiatives on May 2018 to improve execution through informed decision-making, enabling lower costs, and world-class engineering results today and tomorrow. Two of the initiatives were geared to transition USACE to data-informed decision-making through the use of data analytics. The first of these two initiatives sought to implement a data strategy that included a doctrine and governance, through creation of a data management plan. The plan implemented tools to aggregate data across the organization and improve reporting. Dr. Cary Butler, USACE Chief Data Scientist, led this effort. The second initiative sought to establish a dedicated USACE Innovations Team to build and recruit a skilled team to act as finders and enablers of innovative, enterprise solutions that enabled USACE to become a digital business. The USACE Chief Information Officer oversaw both initiatives. Because goals and objectives overlapped in many areas and gathered momentum for these initiatives, leaders from both teams came together and decided that showing the business value of data analytics to improve decision making across the Corps should be a top priority. This document was used to report on the progress of the initiatives and give a better understanding of the need for data-informed decisions throughout USACE.