Tag: Dam Operations
  • Army Corps Recaps Libby Dam 2024 Operations at Public Meeting Oct. 21

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will hold its fall public meeting in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, Oct. 21, 7-7 p.m. PST. The meeting, led by Kootenai Valley Resource Initiative, will include a recap of Libby Dam’s annual operations for water year 2024.
  • Corps stops releasing water at Lake Traverse due to dry conditions

    ST. PAUL, Minn. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, has halted water releases from its Reservation Dam at Lake Traverse and White Rock Dam at Mud Lake, near Wheaton, Minnesota.
  • Sturgeon flow augmentation set to begin at Libby Dam

    Water managers at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, along with federal, tribal, and state fishery biologists, have determined that spring run-off conditions warrant the commencement of required flow augmentation at Libby Dam, Montana, for endangered Kootenai River white sturgeon downstream in Idaho. The flow augmentation operation includes increasing outflows to full powerhouse capacity for approximately two weeks to provide river conditions that may increase sturgeon spawning success in the lower Kootenai River.
  • Defining Hydropower: a glimpse into the world of a power plant operator

    Power plant operators are an integral to running a dam. But what does it mean to be an operator? To gain a better understanding of the job, we interviewed three power plant operators who work at dams in the Walla Walla District: Telzey Bartley, Billie Guille and Summer Dellamater.
  • Corps gives tour of Sepulveda Dam to UCLA engineering students

    Peering out over the edge of the Sepulveda Dam Spillway, on most given days, less than a foot of standing water can be seen in the basin below. Off in the distance, cars pass over a bridge along Burbank Boulevard, a frequently traveled thoroughfare to the 405 Freeway toward San Diego. During a large rain event, the entire area, including Burbank Boulevard, could be under water, explained John DeSimone, dam tender, Operations Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District, to a group of about a dozen University of California, Los Angeles engineering students touring the dam April 25.
  • Corps opens doors, minds for career day event

    SAVANNAH, Ga. – District offices became a proxy classroom for more than 40 dependents of employees who explored Corps projects and careers during the Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day held May 1.
  • Blue Marsh Lake begins water releases

    May 2, 1014— Blue Marsh Lake recreation facilities have been closed to the public due to recent heavy rain and flood damage reduction actions. The lake level rose nearly five and a half feet higher than the normal summer pool. On the evening of May 1, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers determined the Schuylkill River could accept additional storm run-off and at 10 p.m., dam operators started taking actions to reduce water levels in the lake. The current release level from the dam is 2500 cubic feet per second. While this is not a major release, it is a significant amount of water.