Tag: Task Order
  • Contract Award | Seepage Multiple Award Task Order Contract

    This project is a Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) for seepage projects throughout the Memphis District. Typical construction task orders may include seepage berm construction, relief well construction, and all associated tasks with each of these construction processes as designated in each contract. The work on each task order will consist of furnishing all plant, labor, and materials for the work to be performed.
  • Contract awarded for Mississippi River dike construction near Helena, Arkansas

    Congratulations to the Memphis District for reaching a major project milestone on March 8, 2023, and for awarding a task order for dike construction at Below Walnut Bend and Shoofly Bar near Helena, Arkansas. The project delivery team awarded the task order via the Mississippi River Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC), with $6,055,440 going to contractor Pine Bluff Sand and Gravel Company from Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Contract funding came from the Disaster Relief Supplemental Act of 2022 (DRSAA) provided by Congress in late 2021. “This work is critical to helping maintain the navigation channel crossing in this reach of the river and we are thankful for the continued investment being made by Congress in our river infrastructure,” Memphis District Channel Improvement Project Manager Zach Cook said.   
  • Forked Deer Hard Points repair construction complete

    "The Memphis District is responsible for maintaining a safe and dependable Mississippi River navigation channel to a minimum of 9 feet deep and 300 feet wide at all times and at all river stages," Project Manager Mark Mazzone said. That's why projects like this, the Mississippi River Channel Improvement Stone Repairs Task Order – Forked Deer Hard Points Repair, are so essential to execute as needed.
  • Rescue revetment task order awarded

    The Memphis District recently awarded a task order to restore existing revetment and repair over-steepened banks along the Mississippi River in Coahoma County, Mississippi, and Phillips County, Arkansas. A total of $1,344,000 was awarded on the current River Repairs IDIQ (Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity) Contract to Midwest Construction Company.
  • Task Order awarded for HAZMAT Maintenance Facility in Kuwait

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Transatlantic Middle East District (TAM) awarded a task order for a HAZMAT Maintenance Facility for the Kuwait Ministry of Defense, Jan. 20.
  • Memphis District awards several critical service contracts

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Memphis District recently awarded five service contracts in Missouri and Arkansas to maintain and improve upon the Mississippi River and Tributaries (MR&T) Project.
  • Slide repairs contracted in four states

    The Memphis District's Caruthersville Area Office team successfully held a virtual preconstruction conference to discuss contracts awarded for future levee slide repairs in Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, and Tennessee.  “The contracts furnish all plant, labor, equipment, and any incidental-related work according to the plans and specifications for repairing 18 slides under Work Area Three and 14 slides under Work Area Four for a total of 32 slides,” Lead Civil Engineer Jack Ratliff said.
  • TAM Awards Super Hornet Full Design Task Order, Kuwait

    The Middle East District awarded a task order for Super Hornet Full Design at Al Jaber Air Base, Kuwait, Sept. 26, 2019. Contract number W912ER-17-D-0001, task order number W912ER19F0130, was awarded for $12,688,660.25 to Atkins North America, Inc., of Dallas, Texas.
  • Middle East District Awards Runway Repair at Bagram, Afghanistan

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Middle East District awarded a task order contract for runway repairs at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, on Feb. 11. The 11-month task order was awarded for $19.4 million to Anham-ICSS, a joint venture, from Vienna, Va.