Tag: Technical Center of Expertise
  • Early involvement of coatings experts can have big impact on project success

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Paint Technology Center, Technical Center of Expertise (PTCx) is at the forefront of cutting-edge research and development, while also supporting project managers across the Department of Defense in ensuring the correct coatings, methods and personnel are used to protect infrastructure, reduce downtime and extend service life.
  • District’s rapid response team helps extinguish coalmine fire in Washington state

    In June, after an unsuccessful attempt by local firefighters to put out a smoldering fire at an abandoned Navy coalmine in Cumberland, Washington, the Office of Surface Mining and Reclamation reached out to the USACE Omaha District’s technical center of expertise rapid response team for assistance.
  • District’s technical center of expertise provides rapid response during emergencies

    With September and October being the peak hurricane months, the Omaha District's rapid response team stands ready to offer disaster relief assistance should the need arise. According the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association the 2020 hurricane season has already set a record by logging 20 storms as of Sept. 14.
  • MED’s Hangar Fire Protection TCX is in demand

    MED is home to the Technical Center of Expertise (TCX) for Hangar Fire Protection that provides FPE assistance throughout the country and the world through design and construction of fire protection systems, and participation in acceptance tests for aircraft hangars. The TCX provides services to the Army Corps of Engineers, Air Force, Army, Air Reserve, and the Department of Homeland Security.