Author: Susan Blair
  • USACE restores nature with nature

    The Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District, recently implemented multiple projects to restore aquatic habitat along 2,412 linear feet of the Buffalo River’s hardened shoreline. These projects incorporated natural and nature-based design features that provided engineering functions through environmental means to create soft shoreline habitats.
  • USACE, ERDC complete Walnut Beach project, new stakeholder needed to continue efforts

    The Walnut Beach Aquatic and Riparian Invasive Plant Species Control Demonstration Project was completed in September at Walnut Beach on Lake Erie in Ashtabula, Ohio. The goal of the project was to test new and improved methods for controlling invasive plants in order to validate applicability to other Great Lakes restoration projects.
  • USACE Buffalo, Detroit Districts complete 5-year study in Menominee AOC

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Buffalo and Detroit Districts, along with Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), and Ecology and Environment, Inc. completed a - five year project from 2014 to 2019 designed to manage invasive species across four riverine islands in the Menominee River.

    The goal of the Menominee River Area of Concern (AOC) Aquatic Plant Control for Rookery Habitat Project was to reduce the abundance of invasive species, so native plant communities can thrive in the future, and protect the rookery.

  • USACE ERDC completes 2-year study of Common Carp in Manistique

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Research and Development Center recently completed an innovative 2-year, multiphase study tracking the residency of the common carp and determining if tagged carp could help assess where polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) exposure areas are within the area of concern (AOC) in the Manistique River and Harbor, near Manistique, Michigan. This study was conducted because despite sediment remediation from 1995-2000 and navigational dredging in 2010, PCB concentrations in fish remain elevated.