Author: Sean McBride
  • Project profile: the District's biggest projects

    The Charleston District has had many influential projects over the last 150 years that continue to have an impact today. At the same time, the District is currently working on hundreds of different projects throughout Charleston, the state of South Carolina and the entire southeast. While all these projects will have a great impact on those around them, here are a few projects currently in the works that will have massive impacts on the region.
  • District kicks off 150th anniversary with time capsule

    Charleston District kicked-off its 150th anniversary of service to South Carolina and the nation with a time capsule ceremony March 26.
  • Meet Our: Courtney Stevens

    Courtney StevensChief, Regulatory South BranchExplain your job in three sentences.I lead a team of
  • Meet Our: Maurice Williams

    Maurice WilliamsPower Project ManagerExplain your job in three sentences.As the Power (Operations)
  • COLA Desk Dudes

    The year 2020 will go down in history as one of the most difficult in the history of the United
  • Charleston District FY20 Accomplishments

    In a calendar year that has been unlike any we have ever seen, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
  • Transmitting water where it needs to be

    Twelve years ago, what was previously a pipe dream became a reality- clean drinking water for
  • Army Corps repairs aging reception battalion barracks on Fort Jackson

    The 56,000 square foot facility is used to receive and process trainees in preparation of basic combat training. With 50,000 new soldiers coming to Fort Jackson each year, this was a priority project.
  • Charleston District restores creeks damaged by 2015 hurricane

    The Charleston District has simultaneously been working with three municipalities to restore three creeks that were damaged by intense rainfall from Hurricane Joaquin in 2015.
  • Col. Jason Kelly takes command of South Atlantic Division

    On June 22nd, Col. Jason Kelly assumed command of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, South Atlantic Division. Col. Kelly assumed command from Maj. Gen. Diana Holland at a ceremony in Atlanta, Ga., where he will serve as the commander for a region that includes North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama and Puerto Rico.