Author: James D'Ambrosio
  • New Access Control Point to Increase Security at Upstate NY Military Facility

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, is constructing Gillespie Gate ─ a new Access Control Point (ACP) at Watervliet Arsenal in upstate New York that will provide enhanced security for military and Army Corps employees and the missions they oversee. A U.S. Army-owned and operated manufacturing facility, its artillery products have helped hundreds of thousands of servicemen and women fight and win our Nation's battles and come home safely.
  • Large Turnout For Industry Day: Small Businesses Learn About Army Corps Procurements

    The New York District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recently held Industry Day in New York City where more than 150 professionals from small businesses around the region gathered for a full afternoon learning more about how to do business with the Army Corps of Engineers ─ it was the largest turnout for this event in recent memory.
  • Army Corps Expansion of Historic West Point Cemetery Complete

    The New York District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, along with officials from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York, Army Corps North Atlantic Division (Brooklyn, NY), the Office of Army Cemeteries, project contractor and design personnel and invited guests joined together for a ribbon-cutting ceremony officially opening the West Point Cemetery after a major Army Corps expansion/reclamation project on the West Point Campus 50 miles north of New York City overlooking the Hudson River.
  • Army Corps Completes Coastal Project Ahead of Schedule; Engages Community

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, recently completed placing 500,000 cubic yards of sand along 4,100 feet of coastline in Downtown Montauk on the eastern tip of Long Island in New York’s Suffolk County. With favorable weather conditions allowing for completion ahead of schedule, the $11.7 million project also refurbished dunes eroded by a series of storms.
  • Survey & Mapping Employees Earn Army Corps’ Innovation Award for Unmanned Survey Vessel

    Army Corps of Engineers’ employees in the New York District’s Survey and Mapping Branch, Operations Division, have been recognized with the 2023 Innovation of the Year Award from Army Corps Headquarters in Washington, D.C., a national honor recognizing outstanding accomplishments in engineering forwarding the mission and serving the Nation.
  • New York Joins Army Corps Wildfire Response: A Close Look at a Challenging Mission

    Jason Shea, a project manager with the New York District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, has recently completed a one month deployment to Hawaii supporting the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) response to the Lahaina wildfires on the island of Maui ─ the second-largest Hawaiian Island in the North Pacific Ocean.
  • Army Corps Supports Branch Week at USMA West Point

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, participated in Branch Week at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York ─ an annual event providing Cadets an opportunity to become more familiar with the different branches of the U.S. Army and meet with experienced Soldiers and Army leaders to discuss potential career paths.
  • Army Corps Railhead Upgrades Begin at New York Military Base

    A formal ground-breaking ceremony was held at Fort Drum in northern New York marking the beginning of construction on $31.5 million in improvements to the railhead there, greatly enhancing the ability of military personnel to deploy more quickly and safely.
  • Commanding General Inspects Army Corps Projects at USMA West Point

    Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Milhorn, Army Corps of Engineers’ Deputy Commanding General for Military and International Operations in Washington D.C., traveled to New York for a full day of site inspections at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, NY, where the New York District has a variety of construction projects in progress.
  • Army Corps Partners with Academia to Collect Data for Coastal Programs

    The US Army Corps of Engineers’ Coastal Inlets Research Program (a team of scientists and engineers studying waves, current, sediment transport and sea-floor change at or near inlets) and James Madison University are collaborating on the new Sand Snap initiative to collect beach sediment data (sand grains) by engaging citizen scientists in data collection. The U.S. Geological Service, Marda Science, LLC, and Sea Grant are also contributing to the program.