ST. PAUL, Minn. – St. Paul District's chief attorney Joe Willging was recently selected as the 2012 E. Manning Seltzer Award recipient.
The E. Manning Award is a national award named after the chief legal advisor to the Chief of Engineers and General Counsel of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from 1956 to 1977. The award recognizes an attorney who has made one or more special contributions to the Corps’ legal services mission through the development of a legal theory, a legal management innovation or practice or outstanding performance in solving a legal or management problem.
Willging was recognized for his efforts regarding the Tolna Coulee project, in Tolna, N.D. The project presented many challenges which were overcome by Willging’s ability to counsel and advise his clients on the various laws, rules and regulations governing complex civil works projects.
Willging has served as the district’s chief attorney since June 2008. Prior to coming to the Corps of Engineers, he was an associate deputy general counsel in the Office of the Army General Counsel from December 2005 until June 2008, providing advice to senior Army Secretariat officials in all areas of environmental law.
From 2003 to 2005 he practiced in the Office of the Deputy General Counsel, Environment and Installations, Office of the Secretary of Defense. In May of 2003, Willging retired from active duty in the United States Air Force in the grade of colonel. Prior to his retirement, he served as chief of the Environmental Law and Litigation Division, Civil Law and Litigation Directorate, Air Force Legal Services Agency, Washington, D.C.