STEM- Science. Technology. Engineering. Mathematics.
Written by Angel Iverson, Park Ranger - Beech Fork Lake
The US Army Corps of Engineers provides many STEM opportunities, and we would like to recognize the women in these positions.
There are 245 (22.39%) woman in the Huntington District.
50 (20%) - Women in Science positions (natural resource, environmental, archeology backgrounds)
5 (2.0%) - Women in Technology (ACE-IT, GIS)
22 (8.9%) - Women are Engineers (CP-18)
6 (2.4%) - Women in Mathematics (budget, resource management, other positions that apply)
*Numbers are from FY20 MD-715
USACE provides opportunities for women to excel in STEM. Major General Diana Holland is a testament to that, current Commander of the Mississippi Valley Division. She previously served as Commander of the South Atlantic Division, overseeing billions worth of projects, and leading the response to hurricanes Irma and Maria of 2017 and Hurricanes Florence and Michael of 2018. In the following YouTube link, she shares her story starting at West Point and how she became successful regardless of the hurdles she experienced as a woman. MG Holland is an excellent example of the leadership and perseverance women provide in the work force.
Recognizing one of our own, Civil Engineer Sofia Boscio-Lopez is new to the district. She is passionate about encouraging girls and women to explore options in STEM. She has a blog and Instagram dedicated to this, check out Girls in Civil (GiC). Below are links and their mission statement.
We seek to empower, motivate, and inspire people interested in civil engineering and civil works. We believe that infrastructure has the potential to make countries more inclusive and just – to its residents, to its visitors, and to the environment. However, the policy-making regarding infrastructure must be done through a diverse collective that translates the needs of its constituents. GiC undertakes the mission to contribute in making the profession more inclusive and diverse and thus transforming the world in the process. We aspire to achieve this by creating spaces of expression and opportunity for women and others, through outreach events, meetups, sharing information, and talking about topics that move us.
National Engineer’s Week just passed, and what better way to shine some light on women in STEM then to recognize women engineers:
It is also important to recognize some of the historical women who broke down barriers for us! To learn more, follow the online exhibit that showcases women of STEM history. Including the first American woman in electric engineering (Edith Clarke), computer programming (Admiral Grace Murray Hopper), and in space (Dr. Sally Ride)!
Women have a lot to offer in STEM based fields, and as the doors continue to open for them, the possibilities become endless.