Sutton Corps property is government owned land that was purchased by the Federal Government for lands needed for flood control, recreation, water quality, fish and wildlife supply, and water supply. Clearly identified property lines are crucial in the protection of our public lands and a clearly marked boundary also reduces the risk of having a trespass and/or encroachment.
There are prohibited uses on public lands, unless specifically permitted, such as: clearing vegetation, operating motorized vehicles off authorized roadways, removal of cultural resources, disposal of garbage, allowing livestock grazing such as horses and cattle unless leased, encroachments, placement or construction of permanent or semi-permanent structure(s) and camping in undesignated areas. There are many more regulations relating to Corps of Engineers Lands in CFR Title 36 Chapter III.
“May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.” – Edward Abbey