Williams County Receives Section 594 Assistance from USACE for the Alvordton Sanitary Sewer Project

Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District
Published Nov. 19, 2020

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Buffalo District has entered into an agreement with Williams County, Ohio, to provide almost $1 million toward the total costs of sanitary sewer upgrades. The Section 594 reimbursements to Williams County will be supplemented by other sources of financing as necessary to cover the entire cost of the project.

The project is expected to consist of the installation of a gravity collection system with flow to a treatment lagoon.  Preliminary evaluations estimate the system would include approximately 15,000 feet of mostly 8-inch diameter gravity sewer and about 3,000 feet of 6” laterals. The 6” laterals will extend from the mainline to individual property lines.

 “I’m pleased that 594 funding was made available for this important infrastructure project geared toward protecting surface water quality from contaminant discharges,” said Frank A. O’Connor, Buffalo District, project manager. “The aging on-site wastewater systems in the unincorporated village of Alvordton are in failing condition based on observed conditions in the tributaries to Mill Creek.”

“This project further demonstrates the County’s commitment to addressing failing septic systems and protecting surface water quality in the Mill Creek Watershed,” said Todd J. Roth, Williams County Engineer.

Congress passed the Water Resources Development Act of 1999 (Public Law 106-53), Section 594 to help alleviate environmental infrastructure problems throughout the state of Ohio. The Section 594 authority allows USACE to reimburse 75% of the eligible design and/or construction costs up to the funding limit.


Susan Blair
716.799.2618 (cell)
1776 Niagara St., Buffalo, NY

Release no. 20-033