Evaluating the Conductive Properties of Melanin-Producing Fungus, Curvularia lunata, after Copper Doping

US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Published Nov. 5, 2020

Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.21079/11681/38641

Report Number: ERDC TR-20-25

Title: Evaluating the Conductive Properties of Melanin-Producing Fungus, Curvularia lunata, after Copper Doping

By Robert M. Jones, Eftihia V. Barnes, Alison K. Thurston, and Robyn A. Barbato

Approve for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited

October 2020

50 pgs / 4.27 MB

RESEARCH THEME / PUSH LIST: CRREL Biogeochemical Sciences

ERDC Library

Release no. 20-197