Corps of Engineers upgrades Fort Peck Marina boat ramp

USACE Omaha District
Published Sept. 8, 2020

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced Tuesday plans to upgrade the Fort Peck Marina boat ramp.

The existing boat ramp consists of concrete and asphalt. High water over the last few years caused the base material under the asphalt to fail. The planned upgrades include removing the asphalt and extending the concrete an additional 100 feet above the existing concrete and above the high-water mark.

Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin Wednesday and will continue through the month, depending on conditions. Viking Construction of Nashua, Montana received the competitive bid.

The ramp will be closed during construction. Boaters can launch 2.5 miles west at Duck Creek Fishing Access Site or seven miles east at Flat Lake Recreation Area.

All other services at the marina remain open during construction including fuel, bait shop, restaurant and RV park. 

For more information, call USACE at (406) 526-3411. Updates will also be provided on Facebook @USACEFortPeck.


Sue Dalbey, Fort Peck Interpretive Center Director
406-526-3411 x3755

Release no. 20-089