Corps of Engineers Annual Day Use and America the Beautiful Annual Pass Extension

Published Sept. 3, 2020

Corps of Engineers Annual Day Use and America the Beautiful Annual Pass Extension 


    HUNTINGTON, W.Va. - The US Army Corps of Engineers will be extending the expiration date of the USACE Annual Day Use and America the Beautiful passes for seven months from the original expiration date for the passes issued between April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020. The extension is only being accepted at the US Army Corps of Engineers managed facilities.


If Pass was issued in the month of:        Then pass would normally expire:         With Seven month extension, the new Expiration date would be:

April 2019                                            April 30, 2020                                            November 30, 2020

May 2019                                             May 31, 2020                                             December 31, 2020

June 2019                                             June 30, 2020                                             January 31, 2021

July 2019                                               July 31, 2020                                              February 28, 2021

August 2019                                        August 31, 2020                                         March 31, 2021

September 2019                                 September 30, 2020                                 April 30, 2021

October 2019                                      October 31, 2020                                       May 31, 2021

November 2019                                  November 30, 2020                                   June 30, 2021

December 2019                                  December 31, 2020                                    July 31, 2021

January 2020                                        January 31, 2021                                        August 31, 2021

February 2020                                     February 28, 2021                                      September 30, 2021

March 2020                                          March 31, 2021                                           October 31, 2021


This extension period will help mitigate the inability of visitors to use their passes during the coronavirus mandatory stay-at-home orders, park/recreation area closures and fee suspensions which commenced in March/April 2020.  No action is needed by the pass holder except to view the expiration date on their USACE Annual Day Use Pass and America the Beautiful Annual Pass to understand the new expiration date.


For more information, please contact the Public Affairs Office at 304-399-5353.


Public Affairs Office
Huntington, WV

Release no. 20-040