Town of Truro seek permit for work in Eagle Neck Creek

USACE, New England District
Published July 7, 2020

 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District has received a permit application from the town of Truro for proposed work in Eagle Neck Creek and adjacent wetlands at Old County Road, Truro.

The proposed project to restore salt marsh surrounding Eagle Neck Creek contains three elements: the replacement of existing culverts under Old County Road; the dredging, excavation, and stabilization of the existing, failed railroad berm; and the dredging of material from Eagle  Neck Creek. 

The Corps is soliciting comments on both the project itself and the range of issues to be addressed in the environmental documentation. The proposed work will be coordinated with federal, state, local agencies and Indian Tribes. 

The Public Notice with more detailed information, is available for review on the Corps website:

Public comments on this proposed work by the town of Truro should be forwarded no later than Aug. 7, 2020 to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, 696 Virginia Road, Attn: Christine Jacek, Regulatory Division, Concord, MA 01742 or by email to Please reference file # NAE-2020-00691. 

Sally Rigione

Release no. 20-061