Thomaston Dam, Northfield Brook Lake, Black Rock Dam Areas Reopening

USACE, New England District
Published June 25, 2020

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is implementing a phased reopening of recreation areas at Black Rock, Northfield Brook, and Thomaston Dam, all located in Thomaston, Connecticut. Re-openings are in accordance with the Corps, state of Connecticut, and Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) policies and procedures due to COVID-19.

Beginning June 27, 2020:

  • The Black Rock Dam and Reservoir will have all areas open from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  • The Northfield Brook Lake Recreation Area will be open from 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. and will have limited vehicle access and restricted parking.
  • The Thomaston Dam will have the following sites open: Vista Picnic area, dam access road, and the Leadmine Brook Recreation Area. The dam site and Leadmine Brook Recreation Areas will be open daily, from 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Beginning July 6, 2020 the Thomaston Dam off-highway vehicle (OHV) dirt bike riding area will open with the following restrictions:

  • Vehicle parking will be limited to 30 vehicles in designated spots at a single time.
  • No tail-gating or group activities allowed.
  • A face mask must be worn while showing proof of registrations to Park Staff.
  • All vehicles must be registered in accordance with Title 36 CFR.
  • Drinking fountains, group picnic areas and public restrooms are closed (portable units will be available).
  • Out of state visitors should check with the state of Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles regarding registration reciprocity, as well as the state of Connecticut Coronavirus website regarding quarantine concerns.                                            

Beginning July 6, 2020 the Thomaston Dam Model Airplane Flying Field will open with the following restrictions:

  • Vehicle parking will be limited to 15 vehicles in designated spots at a single time.
  • No tail-gating or group activities allowed.
  • Drinking fountains, group picnic areas and public restrooms are closed (portable units will be available).

The following restrictions are in place at the Northfield Brook Lake Recreation area:

  • Public restrooms (portable units provided)
  • Drinking fountains
  • Covered picnic shelters
  • Group picnic tables are closed.

Additionally, please:

  • Stay home if feeling sick.
  • Practice social distancing of at least six feet between individuals. If unable to maintain a six-foot distance please wear a face mask.
  • Avoid activities where individuals will come in close contact with one another and/or gathering in groups of 25 or more.
  • Should crowds begin to form at various locations, visitors are asked to leave that area, choose a different location or return at a later date/time.
  • Practice healthy personal hygiene, such as hand washing for at least 20 seconds.
  • Avoid touching surfaces frequently touched by others including, but not limited to, picnic tables, railings and signs. These surfaces are NOT being cleaned, sanitize your hands if you do.
  • Leave no trace. Take all trash, including pet waste, with you when you leave the property.
  • Violators are subject to fines and removal from the facilities.

These measures are necessary to slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), ensure and protect the health and well-being of our visitors, employees, contractors, volunteers, and safeguard our ability to continue our critical Flood Risk Management operations.

For further details and up-to-the-minute news before visiting the dam, please visit either our Facebook page or website at

Sally Rigione

Release no. 20-059