Civil Military Emergency Preparedness Program (CMEP) Emergency Operations Center Workshop/Table Top Exercise in Podgorica, Montenegro
US and Montenegrin participants at a recent Civil Military Emergency Preparedness Program (CMEP) Emergency Operations Center Workshop/Table Top Exercise in Podgorica, Montenegro. An interagency team of civilian and military personnel, from the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Maine State Partnership Program led the event. The week-long workshop included presentations and facilitated discussions from the US team regarding emergency operations planning, logistics, geographic information systems, public affairs, and the US National Response Framework. Montenegrin participants provided overviews in their emergency operations staffing, planning, response and communications capabilities. The event culminated with a table top exercise. USACE has been executing CMEP activities since 1998. The program manager is the Center for Civil Military Relations. The CMEP program helps partner nations to prepare and manage the consequences of all-hazards disasters." (DOD Photo)