The Section 408 Program

The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Section 408 program allows another entity to alter a USACE Civil Works project. Given the widespread locations of these projects, many embedded within communities, over time there may be a need to either alter or occupy these projects and their associated lands.

Some examples of projects that need USACE Section 408 permission include running a water main from one side of a levee to the other, adding hydropower to a dam, building a bridge across a navigable waterway maintained and surveyed by USACE, or building a swimming pool in a backyard, within the footprint of the USACE easement for a levee. The Section 408 program verifies that changes to authorized USACE Civil Works projects will not be injurious to the public interest and will not impair the usefulness of the project.

Resources for Getting Started
Resources for getting started


Document Library


Webinar: Intro to Section 408 Risk Assessments for USACE Levee and Dam Requests

Save the Date!

Please join us for a one-hour webinar on January 27th, 2025 at 3:00pm EST that will focus on how Section 408 risk assessments are used to inform decisions on requests to alter USACE levees and dams.

When it’s time…

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Meeting Number: 2820 570 9888
Password: r2dJ7NCm3v*

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Access code: 2820 570 9888

Please email us if you are interested in or have ideas for future webinar training topics at

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