WEBVTT 00:14.470 --> 00:16.620 Hi , my name is Keith George and I am 00:16.629 --> 00:18.629 an instructional systems specialist 00:18.629 --> 00:20.796 here at the UAF Learning Center . It's 00:20.796 --> 00:22.851 a pleasure to welcome you to the ULC 00:22.851 --> 00:24.907 where we are engineering educational 00:24.907 --> 00:26.685 excellence for more than 16,000 00:26.685 --> 00:28.851 students annually . If you are joining 00:28.851 --> 00:31.073 us today , it's likely because you will 00:31.073 --> 00:33.073 soon be attending a prospect course 00:33.073 --> 00:35.018 either in person or virtually . In 00:35.018 --> 00:37.185 either case , we utilize blackboard as 00:37.185 --> 00:39.351 our learning management system for all 00:39.351 --> 00:41.518 prospect courses , whether you are new 00:41.518 --> 00:43.573 to blackboard or perhaps it's been a 00:43.573 --> 00:45.573 while since you took a course using 00:45.573 --> 00:47.796 blackboard . It's a good idea to take a 00:47.796 --> 00:47.299 few minutes to become familiar with the 00:47.310 --> 00:49.430 platform . Let me take you on a brief 00:49.439 --> 00:52.389 tour to access the blackboard learning 00:52.400 --> 00:54.678 management system . Open a web browser . 00:54.678 --> 00:57.409 We recommend Google Chrome and navigate 00:57.419 --> 00:59.363 to the address shown on the screen 01:03.229 --> 01:05.451 if you've attended a prospect course in 01:05.451 --> 01:07.507 the past but not this year . You may 01:07.507 --> 01:09.562 need to update any bookmark links as 01:09.562 --> 01:11.340 this address recently changed , 01:13.629 --> 01:15.462 you will have to acknowledge the 01:15.462 --> 01:17.629 security warning before landing on the 01:17.629 --> 01:20.360 enterprise login page . Click the PK I 01:20.370 --> 01:22.870 login button to log in using your cat 01:22.879 --> 01:25.750 cord . Select your credentials and 01:25.760 --> 01:29.760 click . Ok . Once blackboard opens , 01:29.900 --> 01:32.389 you'll see several announcements in the 01:32.400 --> 01:34.567 left hand column and in the right hand 01:34.567 --> 01:36.511 column , a list of the courses for 01:36.511 --> 01:38.456 which you are currently enrolled . 01:38.480 --> 01:40.702 Click the title of the course you would 01:40.702 --> 01:44.519 like to access . The course 01:44.529 --> 01:46.585 will open to the start here . Page , 01:47.150 --> 01:49.459 notice this area of navigation buttons 01:49.470 --> 01:51.470 along the left edge of the screen . 01:51.830 --> 01:53.830 While the exact buttons you see may 01:53.830 --> 01:56.052 vary from course to course depending on 01:56.052 --> 01:58.108 which features are utilized for your 01:58.108 --> 02:00.108 instructors . Many of these buttons 02:00.108 --> 02:03.330 will be available as seen here . Most 02:03.339 --> 02:05.610 courses will include the start here , 02:06.569 --> 02:09.958 announcements , instructor contact info 02:10.878 --> 02:13.179 and course materials , buttons , but 02:13.188 --> 02:15.559 not all courses will feature discussion 02:15.569 --> 02:18.479 boards , groups or glossary . 02:19.949 --> 02:21.949 Let's take a look at the start here 02:21.949 --> 02:25.380 page for this course . Notice that this 02:25.389 --> 02:27.500 page includes a video welcome message 02:27.500 --> 02:29.667 from our director welcoming you to the 02:29.667 --> 02:33.020 C as well as the syllabus for the 02:33.029 --> 02:35.910 course course , meeting information 02:37.149 --> 02:39.205 as well as the section that includes 02:39.205 --> 02:41.149 student manuals , guides and other 02:41.149 --> 02:43.093 handouts you will need during your 02:43.093 --> 02:45.600 course . Each of these items can be 02:45.610 --> 02:47.777 opened simply by clicking on the title 02:47.777 --> 02:48.777 of the document . 02:52.570 --> 02:54.737 Clicking the announcements button will 02:54.737 --> 02:56.681 take you to the announcements page 02:56.681 --> 02:58.681 where announcements created by your 02:58.681 --> 03:00.903 instructors or by the ULC staff will be 03:00.903 --> 03:04.899 visible . Clicking the 03:04.910 --> 03:07.100 instructor contact info will take you 03:07.110 --> 03:08.943 to a page that shows the contact 03:08.943 --> 03:10.777 information as well as the short 03:10.777 --> 03:12.979 biography of the instructors for that 03:12.990 --> 03:14.157 particular session . 03:19.169 --> 03:21.391 Clicking the course materials page will 03:21.391 --> 03:23.447 open the area that you are likely to 03:23.447 --> 03:25.447 spend the most time in while it may 03:25.447 --> 03:27.558 differ slightly from course to course 03:27.558 --> 03:29.725 the course materials page is where you 03:29.725 --> 03:31.613 can find one or more folders that 03:31.613 --> 03:33.391 contain the content resources , 03:33.391 --> 03:35.502 assignments and assessments that will 03:35.502 --> 03:37.910 make up the bulk of your learning . And 03:37.919 --> 03:40.369 this is example , we find three folders , 03:40.380 --> 03:44.250 lessons , job aids , tests and exams . 03:45.699 --> 03:48.199 Remember how these folders or presented 03:48.210 --> 03:51.029 will vary from course to course . Some 03:51.039 --> 03:54.479 courses organize all the lessons by 03:54.490 --> 03:58.210 topic , others by day . In either 03:58.220 --> 04:00.331 case , the instructional team strives 04:00.331 --> 04:02.220 to make all of the lesser related 04:02.220 --> 04:04.850 materials easy to find in the folder . 04:04.860 --> 04:07.509 For each lesson , you will often find a 04:07.520 --> 04:10.110 PDF copy of the slide decks used by 04:10.119 --> 04:12.460 your instructors . You can open this 04:12.470 --> 04:15.470 simply by clicking the title and you 04:15.479 --> 04:18.109 can follow along or download for later . 04:18.119 --> 04:20.286 Let's return to the course materials , 04:20.286 --> 04:22.175 page to look at some of the other 04:22.175 --> 04:24.286 folders . A Job aids folder sometimes 04:24.286 --> 04:26.829 listed as references may be included 04:26.839 --> 04:28.950 and we will include a wide variety of 04:28.950 --> 04:32.480 manuals , handouts , graphics or forms 04:32.489 --> 04:34.545 provided by the instructional team , 04:34.959 --> 04:38.170 either for use during the course or for 04:38.179 --> 04:40.950 you to review later . This is a good 04:40.959 --> 04:43.181 time to remind you that as a student in 04:43.181 --> 04:45.070 a prospect course , you will have 04:45.070 --> 04:47.015 access to the course materials for 04:47.015 --> 04:49.015 seven days following the end of the 04:49.015 --> 04:51.070 course . If there are resources that 04:51.070 --> 04:53.292 you find valuable and that you may want 04:53.292 --> 04:55.348 to refer back to be sure to download 04:55.348 --> 04:57.459 them to your computer before you lose 04:57.459 --> 04:59.626 access to the materials . All prospect 04:59.626 --> 05:01.959 courses include some form of assessment , 05:01.959 --> 05:04.015 whether it is a practical exercise , 05:04.015 --> 05:06.070 one or more quizzes or a traditional 05:06.070 --> 05:08.679 final test . Regardless of the 05:08.690 --> 05:10.801 assessment type , you will find these 05:10.801 --> 05:12.968 located on the course materials page . 05:12.968 --> 05:15.079 Normally in a folder called tests and 05:15.079 --> 05:17.023 exams and directed to do so by the 05:17.023 --> 05:18.857 instructors open this folder and 05:18.857 --> 05:21.023 navigate to the assessment they assign 05:21.023 --> 05:23.246 to you . Please be aware that depending 05:23.246 --> 05:25.468 on how the instructors have set up your 05:25.468 --> 05:27.468 course , the assignments may not be 05:27.468 --> 05:29.634 visible to students until a particular 05:29.634 --> 05:31.634 date and time during your course or 05:31.634 --> 05:33.801 they may be visible but will require a 05:33.801 --> 05:36.023 password to access . Don't worry , your 05:36.023 --> 05:38.190 instructors will guide you on this and 05:38.190 --> 05:40.190 provide any information you need to 05:40.190 --> 05:43.109 complete the assessments . Remember , 05:43.119 --> 05:45.119 different courses include different 05:45.119 --> 05:46.897 features . If your course takes 05:46.897 --> 05:49.119 advantage of the discussion board , for 05:49.119 --> 05:51.175 example , just click the appropriate 05:51.175 --> 05:53.397 button in the navigation area to access 05:53.397 --> 05:55.619 that feature and follow the guidance of 05:55.619 --> 05:57.675 your instructor team . Finally , the 05:57.675 --> 05:59.841 ULC team wants to hear how we and your 05:59.841 --> 06:01.952 instructors are doing . At the end of 06:01.952 --> 06:04.175 each course , every prospect student is 06:04.175 --> 06:06.286 required to complete an end of course 06:06.286 --> 06:09.549 questionnaire . This eocq will 06:09.559 --> 06:11.726 depending on the course , be linked in 06:11.726 --> 06:13.837 the navigation area or located in the 06:13.837 --> 06:16.040 course materials by learning the 06:16.049 --> 06:18.216 guidance of the instructor to complete 06:18.216 --> 06:20.438 this at the end of your course , I hope 06:20.438 --> 06:22.549 you're now feeling confident and well 06:22.549 --> 06:24.549 prepared to navigate the blackboard 06:24.549 --> 06:26.493 learning management system . We're 06:26.493 --> 06:26.309 looking forward to having you join us 06:26.320 --> 06:28.309 at the ULC . We want to help you 06:28.320 --> 06:30.320 engineer educational excellence and 06:30.320 --> 06:32.431 encourage you to visit our website to 06:32.431 --> 06:33.987 explore additional learning 06:33.987 --> 06:35.987 opportunities while you are there . 06:35.987 --> 06:37.876 Take a moment to subscribe to our 06:37.876 --> 06:39.820 youtube channel for more content . 06:39.820 --> 06:41.876 Thanks for watching . We hope to see 06:41.876 --> 06:40.549 you soon .