WEBVTT 00:00.009 --> 00:02.470 My name is Violet Albright . I am the 00:02.480 --> 00:04.980 Chief of Construction Division for the 00:04.989 --> 00:07.045 US Army Corps of Engineers , Seattle 00:07.045 --> 00:09.489 District . My team works on military 00:09.500 --> 00:12.119 bases in Washington , Oregon , Idaho 00:12.130 --> 00:14.449 and Montana . We also do work for other 00:14.460 --> 00:17.309 federal agencies and we work on 00:17.319 --> 00:21.209 construction of hydropower dams and uh 00:21.219 --> 00:24.309 flood control to keep our nation's 00:24.319 --> 00:28.319 waterways open . I love working for 00:28.329 --> 00:30.959 the Corps of Engineers um for a lot of 00:30.969 --> 00:33.240 reasons , actually , uh wonderful 00:33.250 --> 00:35.490 people that choose to do this for a 00:35.500 --> 00:37.889 living . So I get to work with just 00:37.900 --> 00:39.520 absolutely stellar people in 00:39.529 --> 00:41.585 construction and across the Corps of 00:41.585 --> 00:43.529 Engineers . I get a great sense of 00:43.529 --> 00:45.720 pride out of the work that we do . Um 00:45.729 --> 00:47.896 It gives back to the community . Every 00:47.896 --> 00:50.062 project that we work on is giving back 00:50.062 --> 00:52.118 to the community uh both locally and 00:52.118 --> 00:54.340 broader scale . For example , behind me 00:54.340 --> 00:56.396 is uh barracks that we're renovating 00:56.549 --> 00:58.549 and we're going to be doing that on 00:58.549 --> 01:00.771 army and air force installations across 01:00.771 --> 01:02.882 the country to provide better housing 01:02.882 --> 01:05.105 for the men and women who fight for our 01:05.105 --> 01:07.239 country . Um When we build a levy for 01:07.250 --> 01:09.209 flood control , everybody who is 01:09.220 --> 01:11.400 protected by that levy were literally 01:11.410 --> 01:14.430 saving lives in a flood event . Um We 01:14.440 --> 01:16.339 do emergency relief after natural 01:16.349 --> 01:18.690 disasters on a volunteer basis . And we 01:18.699 --> 01:20.810 always get volunteers from across the 01:20.810 --> 01:22.977 entire organization to go and help out 01:22.977 --> 01:25.260 after a disaster . All of those things 01:25.269 --> 01:27.491 fill me with a sense of pride in what I 01:27.491 --> 01:29.889 do and I love doing it with 01:29.900 --> 01:32.011 construction because there is immense 01:32.011 --> 01:34.250 satisfaction in being able to walk away 01:34.260 --> 01:36.599 at the end of the day and physically 01:36.610 --> 01:38.529 see the work that you have helped 01:38.540 --> 01:41.099 complete . There is something tangible 01:41.110 --> 01:44.480 at the end of the day that just makes 01:44.489 --> 01:48.379 my heart warm and fuzzy . Um For me , 01:48.389 --> 01:50.222 this sense of giving back to the 01:50.222 --> 01:52.389 community is really important . Um I'm 01:52.389 --> 01:54.278 Native American Turtle Mountain , 01:54.278 --> 01:57.580 Chippewa . And uh indigenous philosophy 01:57.639 --> 02:00.940 says that you don't do things just for 02:00.949 --> 02:03.349 yourself . You don't just protect 02:03.360 --> 02:05.527 yourself . You don't just take care of 02:05.527 --> 02:07.860 yourself . You take care of your family , 02:07.860 --> 02:10.082 you take care of your community and you 02:10.082 --> 02:12.160 take care of your tribe . So all of 02:12.169 --> 02:14.391 these projects that we get to work on , 02:14.391 --> 02:16.280 it really resonates with me to be 02:16.280 --> 02:18.447 giving back to the community . Um That 02:18.447 --> 02:20.669 I'm part of uh my reservations in North 02:20.669 --> 02:22.669 Dakota . I've never lived there . I 02:22.669 --> 02:24.836 grew up in the Seattle area . So being 02:24.836 --> 02:27.058 in the Seattle district and taking care 02:27.058 --> 02:30.070 of , of the community here is what gets 02:30.080 --> 02:31.070 me out of bed every morning .