WEBVTT 00:00.029 --> 00:02.420 My name is Jackie Abbott . I work at 00:02.430 --> 00:04.989 the Bavaria resident or area office um 00:05.000 --> 00:07.480 as part of the Hesson construction 00:07.489 --> 00:09.579 office . Um and I am a civil 00:09.590 --> 00:11.757 engineering technician . I'm currently 00:11.757 --> 00:13.812 working on housing projects . Mainly 00:13.812 --> 00:15.979 this is a fire life safety project for 00:15.979 --> 00:19.000 the housing area at uh Crestview . Um 00:19.010 --> 00:21.610 I'm also working on some design build 00:21.719 --> 00:25.479 for the security office at the US army 00:25.489 --> 00:27.870 garrison at Lake ERN . My projects 00:27.879 --> 00:30.790 impact uh mainly it's the quality of 00:30.799 --> 00:32.855 life for the uh for the soldiers and 00:32.860 --> 00:35.740 their families . These are multi family 00:35.750 --> 00:39.220 housing units and um what we're doing 00:39.229 --> 00:42.169 is installing uh windows in the 00:42.180 --> 00:46.009 stairwells for uh smoke and or fire 00:46.020 --> 00:49.500 life safety uh ingress and egress . Um 00:49.509 --> 00:51.620 I do what I do for the core because I 00:51.620 --> 00:53.842 actually was born . Um my father was in 00:53.842 --> 00:55.731 the military and so I've lived in 00:55.731 --> 00:57.680 housing like this and it's so it's 00:57.689 --> 00:59.911 personal to me , I understand what it's 00:59.911 --> 01:02.330 like to , to work on a bill on military 01:02.340 --> 01:04.284 base , what it's like to live on a 01:04.284 --> 01:06.462 military base . And I know that that 01:06.472 --> 01:08.694 these kind of facilities and these kind 01:08.694 --> 01:11.992 of of projects um 01:12.002 --> 01:14.752 significantly affect the the war 01:14.763 --> 01:17.041 fighter , the soldier and their family . 01:17.041 --> 01:19.096 Um , I enjoy working for you because 01:19.096 --> 01:20.930 it's such a variety of different 01:20.930 --> 01:22.763 projects . We get to see so many 01:22.763 --> 01:24.763 different things , um , things that 01:24.763 --> 01:26.763 most people don't get to see . Um , 01:26.763 --> 01:28.541 personally I worked at the same 01:28.541 --> 01:30.541 facility for 16 years before I came 01:30.541 --> 01:32.707 here and being able to be in Europe is 01:32.707 --> 01:34.652 so interesting . I've been able to 01:34.652 --> 01:36.819 travel around Germany , I've been able 01:36.819 --> 01:38.930 to travel around , um , some of the , 01:38.930 --> 01:38.886 the countries that , that are near , 01:38.896 --> 01:41.118 I've knocked some bucket list items off 01:41.118 --> 01:44.505 of , of my travel wishes . Um , and so 01:44.515 --> 01:46.682 I love being able to be here and , and 01:47.440 --> 01:49.650 integrate with the local community as 01:49.660 --> 01:52.930 well as get to know our , our soldiers 01:52.940 --> 01:54.339 and the civilians that work here .