WEBVTT 00:00.550 --> 00:02.383 it's september and it's time for 00:02.383 --> 00:04.439 another edition of core connection . 00:04.439 --> 00:06.439 The US Army Corps of Engineers vlog 00:06.439 --> 00:08.383 that keeps you in the loop on what 00:08.383 --> 00:10.494 we're up to around the country in the 00:10.494 --> 00:12.272 world . I'm your host , Patrick 00:12.272 --> 00:14.439 Bloodgood and we have a packed episode 00:14.439 --> 00:16.550 this month . So let's jump right into 00:16.550 --> 00:16.400 core connection . 00:27.700 --> 00:29.478 We start this month with a look 00:29.478 --> 00:31.256 overseas as the europe district 00:31.256 --> 00:33.367 continues to highlight their resident 00:33.367 --> 00:35.200 offices that are responsible for 00:35.200 --> 00:37.311 delivering world class facilities and 00:37.311 --> 00:39.367 engineering solutions to our forward 00:39.367 --> 00:41.533 deployed military personnel throughout 00:41.533 --> 00:43.644 the european continent . This month , 00:43.644 --> 00:43.510 the district examines graphene via 00:43.510 --> 00:45.340 resident office in Germany . 00:51.070 --> 00:53.250 Hello , my name is Edwin Vasquez . I'm 00:53.250 --> 00:55.083 the resident engineer for europe 00:55.083 --> 00:57.150 districts . Resident office here in 00:57.150 --> 01:00.900 Grafenwoehr Germany , so you say works 01:00.900 --> 01:03.400 in this region all across bavaria . Our 01:03.400 --> 01:05.750 resident office consists of four 01:05.760 --> 01:09.020 distinct offices here in Grafton beer 01:09.030 --> 01:11.900 also in Ansbach home fails and Garmisch , 01:12.190 --> 01:14.412 the type of work that we do in our area 01:14.412 --> 01:16.579 of responsibility includes things like 01:16.579 --> 01:18.830 the school like behind me also army 01:18.830 --> 01:21.020 family housing units , numerous 01:21.020 --> 01:24.120 renovations for admin spaces , New mill 01:24.120 --> 01:26.620 con work to upgrade 01:26.630 --> 01:30.400 the support capabilities of the , of 01:30.400 --> 01:34.010 the garrisons as well as miscellaneous 01:34.020 --> 01:37.620 repairs across different buildings in 01:37.630 --> 01:40.090 on the basis . So we have numerous 01:40.090 --> 01:42.480 customers . Our main customers are U . 01:42.480 --> 01:45.400 S . Army garrisons bavaria which 01:45.400 --> 01:47.456 includes here in grafton Vigier home 01:47.456 --> 01:49.456 fills and Garmisch but also U . S . 01:49.456 --> 01:51.930 Army Garrison Ansbach and they support 01:51.940 --> 01:54.950 a big training mission and also support 01:54.960 --> 01:58.230 support services for battalions that 01:58.240 --> 02:00.573 rotate and are permanently located here . 02:00.640 --> 02:02.610 My biggest reward working on the 02:02.610 --> 02:04.880 projects here in Grafton beer and in 02:04.880 --> 02:07.230 the bavaria area is really working with , 02:07.240 --> 02:09.910 with the people given the long presence 02:09.920 --> 02:12.180 of the garrisons in the southeast 02:12.180 --> 02:14.070 portion of Germany . There's a , 02:14.080 --> 02:17.550 there's a big integration of the 02:17.550 --> 02:20.420 mission here but also the culture . So 02:20.430 --> 02:24.070 my um my biggest reward is really 02:24.080 --> 02:27.180 um getting to be part of that team . 02:27.190 --> 02:29.357 The resident office is also supporting 02:29.357 --> 02:31.590 our nation's military Children managing 02:31.590 --> 02:33.757 the construction of a state of the art 02:33.757 --> 02:35.979 elementary school for the Department of 02:35.979 --> 02:38.090 Defense education activity in Grafton 02:38.090 --> 02:40.146 for the new school is set to open in 02:40.146 --> 02:39.970 november . 02:46.630 --> 02:48.790 Hello , my name is wes Clark . I'm a 02:48.790 --> 02:51.810 project engineer at Grafton resident 02:51.810 --> 02:55.450 office . This is the new uh 02:55.460 --> 02:57.670 griffin very elementary school for 02:57.670 --> 03:00.910 Dodea as part of our energy and 03:00.910 --> 03:03.680 technology advancements in construction . 03:03.690 --> 03:07.430 The building incorporates a movable 03:07.440 --> 03:11.050 photovoltaic panel as well as a wind 03:11.050 --> 03:13.560 station with weather reporting that 03:13.560 --> 03:16.490 will announce and and 03:16.500 --> 03:19.640 display throughout the building for the 03:19.640 --> 03:22.550 teachers to use as a teaching model for 03:22.550 --> 03:25.295 the students promoting stem this 03:25.295 --> 03:29.035 building transition to the 21st century 03:29.195 --> 03:33.045 teaching model , the open concept 03:33.155 --> 03:36.585 with the movable glass partition 03:36.585 --> 03:39.695 walls and um marker board walls . 03:39.875 --> 03:42.555 They're available in the school to open 03:42.555 --> 03:45.945 up and used as an integrated teaching 03:45.945 --> 03:49.930 model . The project is nearly 95% 03:49.930 --> 03:51.986 complete . The contractor is working 03:51.986 --> 03:54.590 through close out items and uh 03:54.600 --> 03:57.260 commissioning testing and furniture . 03:57.260 --> 03:59.870 Move in to prepare for turnover for the 03:59.870 --> 04:03.380 customer uses is a diverse organization , 04:03.390 --> 04:05.350 both in its mission set and it's 04:05.350 --> 04:07.406 professionals . The Norfolk District 04:07.406 --> 04:09.680 had a chance to sit down with the 2022 04:09.680 --> 04:11.710 uses architect of the year , Drew 04:11.710 --> 04:14.360 Kibler to discuss his contribution as 04:14.360 --> 04:16.360 an architect to the overall U . S . 04:16.360 --> 04:17.360 Mission . 04:23.120 --> 04:25.790 Mhm . So here's the Norfolk District 04:25.800 --> 04:27.744 and especially in the architecture 04:27.744 --> 04:29.800 section . You know , we are really a 04:29.800 --> 04:31.744 project driven in a project funded 04:31.744 --> 04:33.911 organizations and really unique aspect 04:33.911 --> 04:36.133 of it . One thing I like to think about 04:36.133 --> 04:35.690 is , you know , these projects are as 04:35.690 --> 04:37.801 much for you and me , everyone on the 04:37.801 --> 04:39.579 team , as much as it is for our 04:39.579 --> 04:41.634 stakeholders . You know , we are all 04:41.634 --> 04:43.857 part of this . We're taxpayers and that 04:43.857 --> 04:45.968 brings a unique perspective to how we 04:45.968 --> 04:48.190 do things . When I first started out in 04:48.190 --> 04:50.412 2015 . Most of the mission at that time 04:50.412 --> 04:52.523 for us was really focused on military 04:52.523 --> 04:54.746 construction . Since then , in the past 04:54.746 --> 04:56.912 several years , the milken program has 04:56.912 --> 04:58.857 slowed down slightly and our civil 04:58.857 --> 05:01.079 works program has really ramped up . As 05:01.079 --> 05:03.079 you know , sea level rises is a big 05:03.079 --> 05:05.134 deal . And uh the Corps of Engineers 05:05.134 --> 05:07.530 has really tasked with how to help our 05:07.540 --> 05:09.262 country and our cities protect 05:09.262 --> 05:11.262 themselves against future sea level 05:11.262 --> 05:13.207 rise in the current flooding we're 05:13.207 --> 05:14.984 experiencing . So you might ask 05:14.984 --> 05:16.707 yourself , why is an architect 05:16.707 --> 05:18.651 necessary to do a flood protection 05:18.651 --> 05:20.762 project or resiliency project for sea 05:20.762 --> 05:22.984 level rise ? And we've always looked to 05:22.984 --> 05:24.873 provide visualization to help our 05:24.873 --> 05:26.929 customers understand what is it that 05:26.929 --> 05:29.096 this building or this project is going 05:29.096 --> 05:28.750 to look like at the end of the day . 05:28.760 --> 05:30.871 And is this what you really want when 05:30.871 --> 05:33.450 you have a levee or or a flood wall 05:33.490 --> 05:35.657 that you're looking to construct in an 05:35.657 --> 05:37.601 urban context Inside a city , it's 05:37.601 --> 05:39.490 really important how that wall is 05:39.490 --> 05:41.434 located . Where are the openings ? 05:41.434 --> 05:43.657 What's the elevation in relationship to 05:43.657 --> 05:45.434 the pedestrian movement and the 05:45.434 --> 05:47.490 walkways ? And so we've been able to 05:47.490 --> 05:49.434 take these tools that we use To do 05:49.434 --> 05:51.490 renderings and 3D visualizations and 05:51.490 --> 05:53.490 provide those for these civil works 05:53.490 --> 05:55.546 projects to help stakeholders cities 05:55.546 --> 05:57.657 and designers understand what are the 05:57.657 --> 05:59.768 impact and how do we make that into a 05:59.768 --> 06:01.712 building that meets the customer's 06:01.712 --> 06:03.546 needs that's functional , that's 06:03.546 --> 06:05.768 economical and that is something that's 06:05.768 --> 06:07.657 going to stay in the test of time 06:07.657 --> 06:09.712 architects are but one career area , 06:09.712 --> 06:11.934 your U . S . Army Corps of Engineers is 06:11.934 --> 06:13.934 in need of to learn more about what 06:13.934 --> 06:16.101 careers uses has and what openings are 06:16.101 --> 06:18.268 available . Go to www dot usa dot army 06:18.268 --> 06:21.600 dot mil forward slash careers . The US 06:21.600 --> 06:23.489 Army Corps of Engineers , Buffalo 06:23.489 --> 06:25.211 District recently completed an 06:25.211 --> 06:27.378 environmental project to help US small 06:27.378 --> 06:29.267 but critically important fish get 06:29.267 --> 06:31.433 upstream along the Niagara River based 06:31.433 --> 06:33.544 on some initial data . The future for 06:33.544 --> 06:35.100 this fish is looking bright 06:39.830 --> 06:41.997 here along the Niagara River . The U . 06:41.997 --> 06:44.219 S . Army Corps of Engineers constructed 06:44.219 --> 06:46.386 a novel fish passage passage structure 06:46.386 --> 06:48.552 is part of the Great Lakes Restoration 06:48.552 --> 06:50.774 initiative , completing construction in 06:50.774 --> 06:52.774 february 2022 . The purpose of this 06:52.774 --> 06:54.941 structure is to help emerald shiners a 06:54.941 --> 06:56.941 very small but critically important 06:56.941 --> 06:59.310 prey fish overcome an obstacle to swim 06:59.310 --> 07:02.200 upstream , pre and post construction 07:02.200 --> 07:04.089 monitoring has been conducted and 07:04.089 --> 07:06.050 continues . However , preliminary 07:06.050 --> 07:08.310 results are very positive . Spring 07:08.310 --> 07:10.532 monitoring shows a significant increase 07:10.532 --> 07:12.477 in emerald shiners compared to the 07:12.477 --> 07:14.699 preconstruction survey . And underwater 07:14.699 --> 07:16.990 video footage readily shows schools of 07:17.000 --> 07:19.056 emerald shiner moving throughout the 07:19.056 --> 07:22.020 constructed fish passage structures as 07:22.020 --> 07:24.076 monitoring continues . The potential 07:24.076 --> 07:26.298 groundwork has been established to look 07:26.298 --> 07:28.242 at extending the project along the 07:28.242 --> 07:30.370 remaining 700 ft of sea wall here at 07:30.370 --> 07:32.700 broderick Park . Us Army Corps of 07:32.700 --> 07:34.422 Engineers has collaborated and 07:34.422 --> 07:36.644 appreciates the help of our partners at 07:36.644 --> 07:38.644 the University of Buffalo , Buffalo 07:38.644 --> 07:40.867 State , the city of Buffalo and the U . 07:40.867 --> 07:42.589 S . E . P . A . Stay tuned for 07:42.589 --> 07:44.644 additional updates as we monitor the 07:44.644 --> 07:46.756 results of this project that finishes 07:46.756 --> 07:48.867 off this episode of core connection . 07:49.010 --> 07:51.066 We started this nearly two years ago 07:51.066 --> 07:53.121 and we hope you have found it useful 07:53.121 --> 07:55.232 and informative . Thanks for watching 07:55.232 --> 07:57.288 and we will be back again next month 07:57.288 --> 07:59.399 for season three of core connection . 07:59.399 --> 08:01.800 Until then , I'm Patrick Bloodgood and 08:01.800 --> 08:03.870 this has been core connection