WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:02.190 Welcome to the july episode of Core 00:02.190 --> 00:04.380 connection . I'm your host Patrick 00:04.380 --> 00:06.520 Bloodgood . This month we take a look 00:06.520 --> 00:08.520 at how the Engineering Research and 00:08.520 --> 00:10.576 Development center is expanding cold 00:10.576 --> 00:12.798 weather research . How you say it looks 00:12.798 --> 00:14.576 at water quality around its dam 00:14.576 --> 00:16.687 projects . The Air Force is getting a 00:16.687 --> 00:18.687 new B 21 bed down facility in south 00:18.687 --> 00:20.464 Dakota . We look at how you say 00:20.464 --> 00:22.631 supports military construction efforts 00:22.631 --> 00:24.631 in the Baltics , rangers get pepper 00:24.631 --> 00:26.909 sprayed as part of a training exercise . 00:26.909 --> 00:26.630 And finally a ranger from the 00:26.630 --> 00:28.797 Louisville district has taken on a new 00:28.797 --> 00:31.020 role beekeeper . All those stories 00:31.020 --> 00:33.390 coming up on this edition of Core 00:33.390 --> 00:34.160 Connection 00:44.640 --> 00:48.330 it's july and yes it's hot . But the 00:48.330 --> 00:50.497 focus at the cold regions Research and 00:50.497 --> 00:52.940 Engineering laboratory is always frigid . 00:53.000 --> 00:54.770 Recently the lab expanded its 00:54.770 --> 00:56.992 capabilities with the addition of a new 00:56.992 --> 00:59.103 building that will enable them to dig 00:59.103 --> 01:01.270 deeper into cold weather solutions and 01:01.270 --> 01:01.260 technology . 01:01.740 --> 01:07.410 The 01:07.420 --> 01:09.510 U . S . Army Engineer Research and 01:09.510 --> 01:11.454 development centers , Cold regions 01:11.454 --> 01:13.621 Research and Engineering laboratory in 01:13.621 --> 01:15.710 Hanover . New Hampshire is expanding 01:15.710 --> 01:17.877 its capability in extreme cold weather 01:17.877 --> 01:19.900 research . With its new climactic 01:19.900 --> 01:22.160 chamber building The facility will be 01:22.160 --> 01:23.870 used for military research , 01:23.880 --> 01:26.050 development test and evaluation 01:26.050 --> 01:28.120 applications with a focus on the 01:28.120 --> 01:30.920 emerging needs of the war fighter and 01:30.960 --> 01:33.071 supporting the development of science 01:33.071 --> 01:35.360 and technology capabilities relevant to 01:35.360 --> 01:38.150 the 21st century . With a focus on new 01:38.150 --> 01:40.800 fields of research . The insights 01:40.800 --> 01:42.911 gained from the research performed in 01:42.911 --> 01:45.133 this new climatic chamber will not only 01:45.133 --> 01:47.078 ensure our military is prepared to 01:47.078 --> 01:48.856 operate in some of the planet's 01:48.856 --> 01:51.300 harshest environments but also benefit 01:51.310 --> 01:53.510 everyday americans by improving our 01:53.510 --> 01:55.800 roads and other infrastructure systems . 01:55.920 --> 01:57.900 The core truly understands the 01:57.900 --> 02:01.060 importance of engineering , especially 02:01.060 --> 02:04.170 in cold climates , to the US army and 02:04.170 --> 02:06.370 the rest of the military as they 02:06.370 --> 02:08.537 accomplished their mission . I want to 02:08.537 --> 02:11.010 thank the many men and women who work 02:11.010 --> 02:14.260 at and closely with corral . It's your 02:14.260 --> 02:16.730 drive , your drive to solve the 02:16.740 --> 02:20.040 toughest problems you desire to push 02:20.040 --> 02:23.430 the limits of our understanding that 02:23.440 --> 02:25.620 has enabled Congress to fund this new 02:25.620 --> 02:28.850 facility . So the facility , as it 02:28.850 --> 02:30.794 stands right now allows us several 02:30.794 --> 02:33.017 capabilities that we didn't have in the 02:33.017 --> 02:35.239 past . We actually have a facility that 02:35.239 --> 02:37.239 has been designed from the start to 02:37.239 --> 02:39.690 have running vehicles inside of it . We 02:39.690 --> 02:42.040 have a facility that is capable of 02:42.050 --> 02:44.460 large skill mil spec testing . 02:44.690 --> 02:46.912 Previously , we only had small reach in 02:46.912 --> 02:48.968 chambers . Now this one can actually 02:48.968 --> 02:51.079 hold a vehicle and of course it's our 02:51.079 --> 02:53.246 first chamber that's actually designed 02:53.246 --> 02:54.968 from the start to be safe with 02:54.968 --> 02:57.301 hazardous materials involved in testing . 02:57.301 --> 02:59.412 The most important part for example , 02:59.412 --> 03:01.600 of operating a vehicle in the extreme 03:01.600 --> 03:05.300 cold is engine start . So once you've 03:05.300 --> 03:07.960 cold soaked a vehicle in the chamber , 03:08.220 --> 03:10.164 it's all well and good to drive it 03:10.164 --> 03:12.790 outside and test it . But at that point , 03:12.800 --> 03:14.911 the key feature that you want to have 03:14.911 --> 03:17.210 the chamber still cold for is the 03:17.210 --> 03:19.510 actual engine startup process . And so 03:19.510 --> 03:21.430 that ability to have the vehicle 03:21.430 --> 03:23.830 running to be able to do engine starts 03:23.830 --> 03:26.510 and stops Actually does a lot for many 03:26.520 --> 03:28.670 energy topics . That would be of 03:28.670 --> 03:30.726 considerable interest in military in 03:30.726 --> 03:32.670 the 21st century . Word is already 03:32.670 --> 03:35.790 spreading to our stakeholders and our 03:35.790 --> 03:39.240 partners about this new capability we 03:39.240 --> 03:41.407 have here in the cold climatic chamber 03:41.407 --> 03:43.573 and our partners are already lining up 03:44.140 --> 03:47.070 because they can't wait to work with us 03:47.840 --> 03:51.290 to get new technologies and new 03:51.290 --> 03:53.990 capabilities into this facility for 03:54.000 --> 03:55.830 development and testing . It's 03:55.830 --> 03:57.997 interesting because when we're talking 03:57.997 --> 04:00.052 about extreme cold , that's when you 04:00.052 --> 04:03.250 get below minus 25 degrees , not not 04:03.250 --> 04:05.920 below freezing below minus 25 degrees 04:05.920 --> 04:08.142 and this puppy will go down to minus 50 04:08.142 --> 04:10.490 for part of the excitement about this 04:10.490 --> 04:13.980 new facility is whereas we're primarily 04:13.990 --> 04:17.060 focused on the arctic . We support many 04:17.060 --> 04:20.200 other parts of of our our greater 04:20.200 --> 04:23.220 nation . For example , we support the 04:23.220 --> 04:25.498 Corps of Engineers civil Works mission . 04:25.740 --> 04:27.851 So I envision work being done in this 04:27.851 --> 04:30.660 facility on anti ice and technology 04:31.240 --> 04:33.240 believe it or not , we even support 04:33.240 --> 04:36.430 Nasa because you know , you go to the 04:36.430 --> 04:38.780 moon , you go to mars it's extremely 04:38.780 --> 04:42.090 cold and we can support even Nasa 04:42.100 --> 04:44.990 mission needs with this new facility as 04:44.990 --> 04:46.990 we , as we've supported them in the 04:46.990 --> 04:49.157 past . So these are exciting times for 04:49.157 --> 04:52.840 the cold regions , lab both supporting 04:52.840 --> 04:55.000 our nation and indeed our planet and 04:55.000 --> 04:57.056 the polar regions of the world , but 04:57.056 --> 04:59.270 even beyond to support space 04:59.270 --> 05:01.326 exploration for future generations , 05:01.380 --> 05:03.890 making sure water quality around dams 05:03.890 --> 05:06.112 are within environmental standards is a 05:06.112 --> 05:08.300 huge mission for the core uses 05:08.300 --> 05:10.078 personnel like the team at Lake 05:10.078 --> 05:12.244 Cumberland continually sample and test 05:12.244 --> 05:13.800 the water to make sure it's 05:13.800 --> 05:15.911 ecologically safe for humans , plants 05:15.911 --> 05:16.911 and wildlife . 05:17.240 --> 05:23.010 The 05:23.020 --> 05:25.120 water quality team with the U . S . 05:25.120 --> 05:27.120 Army Corps of Engineers , Nashville 05:27.120 --> 05:29.440 District collected water samples may 24 05:29.440 --> 05:33.040 through 26 2022 from Wolf Creek dams 05:33.040 --> 05:35.620 tail water along with 12 more stations 05:35.620 --> 05:38.100 in the reservoir and major tributaries 05:38.110 --> 05:40.440 of Lake Cumberland . While the team 05:40.440 --> 05:42.500 surveys water quality and visits the 05:42.500 --> 05:44.580 lake monthly to monitor water 05:44.580 --> 05:46.630 temperature , dissolved oxygen , 05:46.640 --> 05:50.130 conductivity and ph on this trip , it 05:50.130 --> 05:52.074 conducted a full water sampling to 05:52.074 --> 05:55.370 analyze for nutrients , metals , algae 05:55.380 --> 05:57.720 and chlorophyll . We are out here 05:57.720 --> 06:00.760 frequently and if there's anything that 06:00.760 --> 06:03.530 looks suspicious to us on the surface 06:03.530 --> 06:06.110 of the water or the things that we find , 06:06.220 --> 06:08.109 we report that immediately to the 06:08.109 --> 06:10.331 Kentucky division of water for any type 06:10.331 --> 06:12.620 of action . At each station , the team 06:12.620 --> 06:14.620 check water clarity with the second 06:14.620 --> 06:16.930 disk and collected water quality data 06:16.930 --> 06:19.570 at 5ft intervals from the surface to 06:19.570 --> 06:21.403 the deepest point in the channel 06:21.403 --> 06:23.350 reservoir . At each lake station . 06:23.840 --> 06:26.210 After evaluating the data , the team 06:26.210 --> 06:28.980 determined which depths to pull samples . 06:28.990 --> 06:31.280 So we're going to go down to five ft , 06:31.290 --> 06:34.300 we have this rope marked to know our 06:34.300 --> 06:38.220 depth . Then I'm going to pull it 06:38.220 --> 06:41.230 back up and we will bottle this water 06:41.380 --> 06:44.910 and send it off for analysis , the 06:44.910 --> 06:46.910 water quality team wants people who 06:46.910 --> 06:48.960 recreate at Lake Cumberland to know 06:48.960 --> 06:51.071 that the Corps of Engineers routinely 06:51.071 --> 06:53.290 monitors water quality to verify that 06:53.300 --> 06:55.400 the water in the lake is healthy for 06:55.400 --> 06:57.350 visitors . This is lee roberts 06:57.350 --> 06:59.517 reporting for the national district at 06:59.517 --> 07:01.628 Lake Cumberland in Kentucky . You say 07:01.628 --> 07:03.794 it's continues to support our nation's 07:03.794 --> 07:05.906 men and women in uniform at Ellsworth 07:05.906 --> 07:07.961 Air Force Base in South Dakota , the 07:07.961 --> 07:09.794 Omaha district and the Air Force 07:09.794 --> 07:12.017 celebrated the start of construction on 07:12.017 --> 07:14.072 new facilities to help maintain B 21 07:14.072 --> 07:15.072 bombers . 07:19.540 --> 07:21.651 Representatives from the U . S . Army 07:21.651 --> 07:23.707 Corps of Engineers , Air Force , the 07:23.707 --> 07:25.651 state of South Dakota and industry 07:25.651 --> 07:27.762 partners gathered May 25th 2020 to to 07:27.762 --> 07:29.707 conduct an official groundbreaking 07:29.707 --> 07:31.651 ceremony for the start of the B 21 07:31.651 --> 07:33.873 raider bomber bed down at Ellsworth Air 07:33.873 --> 07:36.010 Force Base . The historic building 07:36.010 --> 07:38.180 endeavor is the first awarded B 21 07:38.180 --> 07:40.402 military construction project Air Force 07:40.402 --> 07:42.569 Wide and will provide a low observable 07:42.569 --> 07:44.680 restoration facility with paint booth 07:44.680 --> 07:47.020 type functionality and supported B 21 07:47.020 --> 07:48.742 weapons system maintenance and 07:48.742 --> 07:51.660 operations . This is the first of about , 07:51.840 --> 07:54.007 I know somewhere between two and three 07:54.007 --> 07:56.173 dozen projects . It always works uh in 07:56.173 --> 07:58.062 order to bed down this , this new 07:58.062 --> 08:00.118 aircraft here . So um this is one of 08:00.118 --> 08:02.173 many and we look forward to awarding 08:02.173 --> 08:04.790 more more contracts here uh you know , 08:04.800 --> 08:06.967 in the near future as well as into the 08:06.967 --> 08:09.133 coming so uh pace of construction pace 08:09.133 --> 08:11.244 of progress at Ellsworth . You know , 08:11.244 --> 08:13.133 this is an active B one Bass . So 08:13.133 --> 08:15.133 there's a lot of interest in and uh 08:15.133 --> 08:17.356 consideration for not impacting the one 08:17.356 --> 08:19.810 operations as we go about the delicate 08:19.810 --> 08:22.280 process of uh building new facilities 08:22.280 --> 08:24.460 and things like that . The 08:24.460 --> 08:26.571 groundbreaking ceremony was organized 08:26.571 --> 08:28.682 by Ellsworth Air Force Base General , 08:28.682 --> 08:30.738 Anthony cotton commander , Air Force 08:30.738 --> 08:32.682 Global Strike Command provided the 08:32.682 --> 08:34.460 keynote address . The event was 08:34.460 --> 08:36.627 attended by uses Northwestern Division 08:36.627 --> 08:38.682 Commander Colonel Jeff Van Eps Omaha 08:38.682 --> 08:40.904 District Commander Colonel Mark Himes , 08:40.904 --> 08:42.793 South Dakota Representative Dusty 08:42.793 --> 08:44.904 johnson , delegations from both South 08:44.904 --> 08:46.738 Dakota Senator's state and local 08:46.738 --> 08:48.682 government , local media Air Force 08:48.682 --> 08:51.016 stakeholders and many industry partners . 08:51.016 --> 08:53.071 This is the first project in a multi 08:53.071 --> 08:55.293 billion dollar program that the core is 08:55.293 --> 08:57.404 going to execute over the next decade 08:57.404 --> 08:57.250 or so . That's gonna help the Air Force 08:57.250 --> 08:59.472 modernize its bomber leg of the nuclear 08:59.472 --> 09:01.472 triad . And in doing so we're gonna 09:01.472 --> 09:04.580 really help improve and modernize uh 09:04.590 --> 09:07.790 the uh national defense and the 09:07.790 --> 09:10.780 security of our nation . You say Samaha 09:10.780 --> 09:12.720 District is expected to proof and 09:12.720 --> 09:14.664 approve the remaining construction 09:14.664 --> 09:16.887 contracts while ramping up construction 09:16.887 --> 09:19.480 efforts over the next five years . The 09:19.480 --> 09:21.591 US Army Corps of Engineers support to 09:21.591 --> 09:23.424 our military doesn't stop at the 09:23.424 --> 09:25.591 nation's borders . The europe district 09:25.591 --> 09:27.424 is busy supporting our country's 09:27.424 --> 09:29.536 interests abroad and highlights their 09:29.536 --> 09:28.860 work in the 09:28.860 --> 09:36.860 Baltics . 09:40.940 --> 09:43.130 Hey , I'm chris bailey here in uh air 09:43.130 --> 09:45.930 base in Estonia um in the Baltics , you 09:45.930 --> 09:48.208 say , supports the E . D . I . Program , 09:48.208 --> 09:50.350 european deterrence initiative . Our 09:50.350 --> 09:52.550 primary partners , you safety working 09:52.550 --> 09:55.490 on facility upgrades to air bases in 09:55.490 --> 09:58.970 Latvia Lithuania and Estonia . In 09:58.970 --> 10:01.260 addition , you say it also supports the 10:01.260 --> 10:03.760 humanitarian assistance program , uh 10:03.770 --> 10:06.310 renovating kindergartens , uh fire 10:06.310 --> 10:08.032 stations and emergency medical 10:08.032 --> 10:10.660 facilities throughout the Baltics . So 10:10.670 --> 10:12.837 working here in Estonia and throughout 10:12.837 --> 10:14.948 the Baltics is a rewarding experience 10:14.948 --> 10:17.530 here representing uses in the US and 10:17.540 --> 10:19.651 working alongside NATO and our allies 10:20.240 --> 10:22.184 the job of a U . S . Army Corps of 10:22.184 --> 10:24.240 Engineers . Park ranger is generally 10:24.240 --> 10:26.462 one that has positive interactions with 10:26.462 --> 10:28.573 the millions of visitors who recreate 10:28.573 --> 10:28.550 at a core project throughout the year . 10:28.940 --> 10:31.130 However , there are times interactions 10:31.130 --> 10:33.280 may become a bit adversarial and the 10:33.280 --> 10:35.224 rangers need to get control of the 10:35.224 --> 10:37.447 situation quickly . Pittsburgh District 10:37.447 --> 10:39.447 rangers received training and using 10:39.447 --> 10:41.613 pepper spray to help . So do an unruly 10:41.613 --> 10:44.270 individual . ! 10:57.940 --> 11:00.162 Hi , my name is Ryan smith . I'm a park 11:00.162 --> 11:02.218 ranger for the U . S . Army Corps of 11:02.218 --> 11:04.273 Engineers in the Pittsburgh district 11:04.273 --> 11:04.150 and I'm about to give pepper spray 11:04.540 --> 11:06.707 close your eyes and hold your breath . 11:06.707 --> 11:09.460 Okay . 12 . Right , 11:13.240 --> 11:17.050 okay . Yeah . Mm hmm . 11:18.240 --> 11:22.050 Yeah . Mhm . Mhm . 11:28.040 --> 11:30.262 Did it hit you ? What are you feeling ? 11:31.440 --> 11:33.810 It did hit me at first , but now it is 11:35.240 --> 11:37.240 what does it feel like like there's 11:37.240 --> 11:40.090 sand in my eyes at first . It wasn't 11:40.090 --> 11:42.930 bad . I thought I was immune for like a 11:42.930 --> 11:44.970 split second , but as soon as I got 11:44.970 --> 11:46.660 over here I was like , oh , 11:49.640 --> 11:53.600 who , how you feeling ? Not good . So 11:53.610 --> 11:55.777 my eyes were burning pretty bad . It's 11:55.777 --> 11:57.999 pretty tough to open them right now , I 11:57.999 --> 12:00.110 can breathe fine . It felt real sandy 12:01.140 --> 12:04.530 like if somebody squeezed jalapeno 12:04.540 --> 12:06.762 juice in your eyes and then kicked sand 12:06.762 --> 12:08.350 in them . Not good . 12:16.340 --> 12:18.451 Finally , it's time to talk about the 12:18.451 --> 12:20.910 birds and the bees . Well , the bees at 12:20.910 --> 12:23.132 least a Louisville district Park ranger 12:23.132 --> 12:25.670 is now a pollinator aficionado as he 12:25.670 --> 12:27.614 has taken on an additional duty of 12:27.614 --> 12:29.670 beekeeper taking care of these vital 12:29.670 --> 12:31.559 insects that are essential to the 12:31.559 --> 12:32.559 ecosystem . 12:32.559 --> 12:38.330 Hi , 12:38.330 --> 12:40.386 my name is Jim Berkeley . I'm a park 12:40.386 --> 12:42.441 ranger up here at Patoka Lake . Take 12:42.441 --> 12:44.497 care of the bees for us . We got our 12:44.497 --> 12:46.860 bees in 2020 after another ranger at 12:46.860 --> 12:48.916 another lake and retired . The other 12:48.916 --> 12:51.027 lake hadn't , didn't have anybody who 12:51.027 --> 12:53.193 can take care of the bees . And we had 12:53.193 --> 12:55.360 already had a good pollinator plan in 12:55.360 --> 12:58.350 place at that time for wildflowers . 12:58.350 --> 13:01.470 Like you see here , we've really been 13:01.480 --> 13:04.750 kind of excited about doing that kind 13:04.750 --> 13:06.917 of stuff . So getting these was a good 13:06.917 --> 13:09.520 fit for us . I took him over in the 13:09.520 --> 13:11.760 fall of 2020 when I right after I came 13:11.760 --> 13:14.150 here . It was brand new to bees . I've 13:14.150 --> 13:16.317 never done anything with them before . 13:17.340 --> 13:19.260 It's been a really fascinating , 13:19.740 --> 13:22.220 fascinating experience . So learning to 13:22.220 --> 13:25.170 be a beekeeper . I got a , 13:26.130 --> 13:28.480 a book which we had here at the , at 13:28.480 --> 13:31.020 the core and then I got ahold of a 13:31.020 --> 13:33.353 beekeeper who's a neighbor with us here . 13:33.353 --> 13:35.510 And she showed me about the bees when 13:35.510 --> 13:37.732 she got in him last year showed me what 13:37.732 --> 13:39.621 to do and I kind of took what she 13:39.621 --> 13:41.732 showed me ran from there . I actually 13:41.732 --> 13:43.621 got some at home because I was so 13:43.621 --> 13:45.843 fascinated by him . Got some for me and 13:45.843 --> 13:48.066 my brother in law and sister in law are 13:48.066 --> 13:49.954 into it . And then some real good 13:49.954 --> 13:49.490 friends of ours . I talked them into a 13:49.490 --> 13:51.657 beehive too . So now between all of us 13:51.657 --> 13:53.879 we kind of learn together on our bees . 13:53.879 --> 13:56.101 So we actually have a live hive where I 13:56.101 --> 13:58.268 can take part of the beyhive there and 13:58.268 --> 14:00.212 I can in good weather , take it to 14:00.212 --> 14:03.180 schools and show kids a lot of the 14:03.190 --> 14:05.770 brood and stuff like that helps them to 14:05.770 --> 14:07.937 actually get hands on without actually 14:07.937 --> 14:09.992 touching these , get some past their 14:09.992 --> 14:13.730 fears a lot . Or I've also talked to 14:13.730 --> 14:15.841 groups to with people who are wanting 14:15.841 --> 14:18.130 to get into beekeeping because I'll say 14:18.130 --> 14:21.630 I'm not an expert but I have the inside 14:21.630 --> 14:24.420 of a first year beekeeper . So what 14:24.420 --> 14:26.587 it's taken me to get through the first 14:26.587 --> 14:30.360 year that wraps up this edition of 14:30.360 --> 14:32.638 core connection . Thanks for tuning in . 14:32.660 --> 14:34.716 We'll be back in august with another 14:34.716 --> 14:37.020 episode until then continue to have a 14:37.020 --> 14:39.350 safe and happy summer . 14:42.940 --> 14:43.360 Okay