Headquarters U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Fact Sheets https://www.usace.army.mil Headquarters U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Fact Sheets RSS Feed en-us Wed, 21 Dec 2011 03:17:00 GMT Sun, 11 Jul 2021 12:36:44 GMT Emergency Response https://www.usace.army.mil/Media/Fact-Sheets/Fact-Sheet-Article-View/Article/475476/emergency-response/ In the event of a natural or man-made disaster, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is prepared and ready to respond as part of the federal government’s unified national response to disasters and emergencies.<br/> Wed, 21 Dec 2011 03:17:00 GMT Press Operations https://www.usace.army.mil/Media/Fact-Sheets/Fact-Sheet-Article-View/Article/475476/emergency-response/ Emergency Operations Debris Management https://www.usace.army.mil/Media/Fact-Sheets/Fact-Sheet-Article-View/Article/475474/debris-management/ In cases where the damage and debris are so extensive that it exceeds local and state capabilities, FEMA can assign the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers a mission to provide debris management assistance in support of the National Response Framework.<br/> Sat, 17 Dec 2011 01:36:00 GMT Press Operations https://www.usace.army.mil/Media/Fact-Sheets/Fact-Sheet-Article-View/Article/475474/debris-management/ Emergency Operations Emergency Power https://www.usace.army.mil/Media/Fact-Sheets/Fact-Sheet-Article-View/Article/475473/emergency-power/ Following a natural disaster or emergency, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers can provide state and local officials with a variety of support regarding emergency power needs at critical public facilities in support of FEMA as part of the federal government’s unified national response under the National Response Framework.<br/> Sat, 17 Dec 2011 01:31:00 GMT Press Operations https://www.usace.army.mil/Media/Fact-Sheets/Fact-Sheet-Article-View/Article/475473/emergency-power/ Emergency Operations Temporary Housing & Critical Public Facilities https://www.usace.army.mil/Media/Fact-Sheets/Fact-Sheet-Article-View/Article/475464/temporary-housing-critical-public-facilities/ The temporary housing mission consists of the placement of temporary housing units at individual home sites, existing mobile home parks or newly designed and constructed mobile home parks when an event has rendered existing homes uninhabitable. Because of the expense of this mission, FEMA uses this mission as a last resort after exhausting all other options such as rental properties.<br/> Fri, 16 Dec 2011 03:11:00 GMT Press Operations https://www.usace.army.mil/Media/Fact-Sheets/Fact-Sheet-Article-View/Article/475464/temporary-housing-critical-public-facilities/ Emergency Operations Temporary Roofing https://www.usace.army.mil/Media/Fact-Sheets/Fact-Sheet-Article-View/Article/475463/temporary-roofing/ The scope of the temporary roofing mission can be very broad and complex. The mission can range from providing technical assistance to FEMA, and state and local governments, to managing and contracting for the installation of blue plastic sheeting onto roofs of damaged homes or public structures.<br/> Fri, 16 Dec 2011 02:57:00 GMT Press Operations https://www.usace.army.mil/Media/Fact-Sheets/Fact-Sheet-Article-View/Article/475463/temporary-roofing/ Emergency Operations